"It's okay, only us," he told the terrified man who'd been attacked. I jumped in the back. "Ruby, you need to take those damn heels off," The Doctor informed me. "They're getting in your way more than the Eknodines."

"Yeah, a bit busy, thanks," I snapped as I wrestled away another old person. I slid the camper door shut. "Floor it," I ordered. I didn't have to tell him twice.

We reached a park where a group of mothers were being attacked.

"Oakley," The Doctor regarded me, slowing down the camper. I slid open the door.

"Get in! Come on, hurry up, jump in, hurry now," I pulled each woman in and checked to make sure there wasn't anyone else before slamming the door.

"Go!" I told The Doctor, who slammed his foot on the gas pedal. We reached a gate where a family of four were being attacked. I slid open the door and urged them in. I grabbed the hand of a four year old girl who couldn't keep up with the rest of her family and pulled her in after them.

"Thank you," she said meekly.

"You're welcome, sweetheart," I said, sliding the door shut. She ran off to her mom.

"Are we in?" The Doctor asked.

"Yeah!" I answered. He stepped on it again and we zoomed all the way to a church where we got rid of every one.

"Everybody, out, out, out. Into the church, that's right. Don't answer the door!" The Doctor called after them. I climbed up to the passengers seat once we were alone, and nodded at him, and we raced away again.

"Doctor," I said after a long silence where we just watched the outside world go by as we broke all the speed limits out there. He didn't look at me, but I could tell he was listening. "Emerald reminds me of me. The other... me. The one in the other world. The one that, well, that hates you."

He didn't react to any of this, so I went on carefully.

"You know who they are, you said it yourself. Is Emerald... I don't know, is she, like related to me or something in some weird, twisted way?"

He adjusted his grip on the steering wheel and swallowed hard before answering in a quiet voice. "Ruby, don't ask me anything more."

I looked back at the road.

After another long moment of tense silence, The Dream Lord and Emerald appeared in the back in peach colored racing uniforms with black helmets in their laps.

"It's make-your-mind-up time!" The Dream Lord announced.

"In both worlds," Emerald added.

"Bye," The Doctor said plainly. "I need to find my friends."

"Friends... is that the right word for the people you acquire? Friends are people you stay in touch with. Your friends never see you again once they've grown up. The old man prefers the company of the young, does he not?" The Dream Lord said.

I looked at The Doctor, stunned, but he refused to meet my eyes.

The Dream Lord and Emerald vanished once again as we pulled up to Amy and Rory's cottage, saw the onslaught of the elders. Some were trying to push the Tardis over, some were trying to knock down the door of the cottage.

"Okay," The Doctor said slowly, surveying what we had to deal with. "Ready for a climb?"

And that's the story of how I ended up climbing up the side of a second story house in four inch high heels.

I tumbled in a window after The Doctor, and fell on top of him, gasping for air. He shoveled me off of him and I scrambled to my feet. The scene I saw before startled me. Which was saying something, considering the day I'd had so far. We'd fallen into what I assumed was the nursery. Amy and Rory were kneeling in front of one another to our left. Rory looked like he'd been crying, and his ponytail and a pair of scissors were laying on the ground next to him.

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