"Emer! I made you something!" Lorcan, one of the George's, said. He gave me a bracelet.

"You didn't make that, twat!" Grace told him. She was the only girl, out of the triplets. I got on one knee and looked at the two of them.

"It is the thought that counts. Thanks, both of you." I told them. I gave them a hug and they ran off to go play with the Kaneswaran kids. Anthony came over and looked up at me.

"Is there anything new?" I asked him. That was our code to tell the other one, what was going on. I always knew when there was something wrong with him.

"I will tell you later." He whispered in my ear.

We then ate pizza. I sat with Nathan and Jay. It felt like the old times, for me. I would hang with these two all the time. We caught up. Nathan was thinking about adopting a little boy. He still hadn't found someone. He wasn't actually looking, either. Jay told me that Pepper was going to Australia, soon. She was going to be there for about a week.

Once I was done, I got Anthony and I took him to his room. He sat on his bed and he looked up at me.

"Spill it." I told him. He looked at me and smiled.

"I met a girl, but you won't believe who it is." He told me. I stood there and thought about it.

"It is Louis's daughter. She is a year younger than me. I don't know what toy say to her, though." He told me.

"Wait, Louis is back in England? When did he get back?" I asked him. When One Direction broke up, they all went their separate ways. Louis and Eleanor went to America. We lost contact with them.

"I don't know, like a month ago? I saw her at the park." Anthony told me.

"Just ask her out." I told him. He nodded his head. I then walked out of the room. I went to Mom and Dad.

"Are you okay, Emer?" Dad asked me.

"What do you mean?" I questioned him.

"You know what I mean. do you have things following you?" He explained, better.

"Yes, Dad. That is part of my job. I like it though. Just don't worry." I told him. He agreed to that. I walked back to the living room.

I walked in and everyone had a kid in their arms. Siva had two kids. I took my phone out and I took a quick picture. I uploaded it to the Internet and people started to comment on how cute they were.

"Well I guess that I am going to head to my apartment." I told them. Nathan gave the kid that he had, to Cara. He got up and walked with me to the door. As he shut the door I turned and looked at him.

"Can you help me out?" He asked me. I looked at him and smiled.

"Maybe, what is it that you need help with?" I asked him.

"I think that Macey is trying to contact me. My phone randomly play Dark Paradise, the other day. Recently, one of the photos of us, was placed on my bed. It wasn't anyone in the house, because this photo, is kept in my wallet." He explained to me.

"Okay, next time something happens, just relax. Let what ever happen, happen. That will let her know that you are okay. Please don't try to contact her. She might be stuck here." I told him. He sighed nodded his head. I then walked to my car.

"Wait, Emer!" Nathan said. I looked at him. He was walking over to me.

"I am sorry." He told me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him. He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.

"I am sorry for the pain that I have caused you, when you were a little kid and teenager. I know that it was there. I am sorry that I lost control." He explained. I looked around and I saw that there were people who were walking towards us.

"Don't blame yourself. It was okay." I told him.

"No, it wasn't. It was irresponsible and careless. I should have never done that to you or the rest of them." He said.

"It was what you did to survive. At least you are not dead. Just promise me that you are going to be a good father, for that little boy." I told him. He smiled and nodded his head.

"I promise." He told me.

"Get inside. People are coming and I don't know if they know who you are, or if they know who I am." I told him. He gave me a hug.

As I left, I knew that he was going to be fine. I knew that I always had a home. They would always be there for me. I would always be there for them. This was what we were. A big, un-biological, family that has tendencies to be crazy.

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