{Chapter 28}

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"What are you doing here?" I ask ignoring the fact that he congratulated me.

"I came here to watch you." He says as I continue to walk to my car and then realization hits me.

"How do you know where I was?" I ask as I stop abruptly.

"You shouldn't post everything online."

"Stalker." I mutter rolling my eyes as I continue walking to the parking lot where a few cars are scattered across it making it easy to locate my Challenger.

"I'm not a stalker, I just love you." He says and I don't even give in, I just hum and nod my head and unlock my car throwing my stuff in the back seat, I notice that his car is right beside mine.

"You've been ignoring my text." He points out as I start my car up to warm it up and then I turn on the seat warmers, steering wheel warmer, and the heat.

"I've been busy." I sigh leaning against my car, crossing my arms over my chest and he leans on his mimicking my stance.

"Me too, but I took the time out to send you text. You could reply." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I snap and he shakes his head, reaching into his pocket pulling out a cigarette and grabs a lighter. He flicks the lights and pulls a long draw from it.

"No, but, I soon hope to have one." He smiles at me and I turn my back opening my car door, hoping to get away from him as far as possible.

"Well, you screwed up and I don't think I'm the right girl."

"What can I do to make it up to you?" He says crossing his arms and I roll my eyes, about to tell him that nothing will fix what we had and I don't want to fix it. I would rather leave it behind and worry about school, family, friends, and vines.

"How about I take you out, Friday night, I pick you up at seven."

"I have plans Friday." I lie placing my foot in my now warmed up car in hopes to get away and return to my house so we can celebrate our win.





"Tris, look, please. I know you don't have any plans because, I know you, you were my girlfriend and I know your likes and dislikes. Just give me a chance, this Friday at seven. I can take you to the pit like old times."

I sigh once again and look to my shoes, I know he would never stop until I finally say yes and to get it out of the way is good. We wouldn't have to have another date again because we've already had one.


"Yes!" He claps his hands and I get into my car, leaving him to smoke his cigarette.

What did I get myself into?


"I can't believe that you are actually going on a date with that prick." Christina rolls her eyes as she flips through a magazine on my bed.

"That's what I am saying." Caleb exclaims and points to Christina, they both high five and nod their head.

"I've been saying two things all week; 1. It's not a date, he is taking me to the pit to talk me into being his girlfriend again. 2. COME ON THE DAMN DATE WITH ME!" I shout rolling my eyes and point my finger to Caleb. "Bring Susan, and you bring Will."

"We aren't even going out!" They both yell at the same time.

"Okay, but the chemistry is there for both of you." I say sticking a gold ring in my nose and pulling on acid washed, denim, joggers.

"You put yourself in this predicament." Caleb mutters as I pull a tie -die shirt over my head and then pull on pink and white socks.

"I'm going to stick my finger down my throat and say I got sick." I chuckle pulling a gold chain over my head. My hair is curly and wavy since I didn't blow dry it and I have on minimal make up with pink-tint lip balm.

"He would probably still try to make you come out." Christina mutters like Caleb did earlier.

"Exactly." I agree putting yellow chucks on my feet with my matching jean jacket.

My phone dings and I groan picking it up see that I got a text from Eric, I knew I should have changed my number earlier.

I'm outside- Eric

Otw- Tris

"See!" Christina exclaims as I put my phone and keys in my pocket and she slips her shoes on. "Any guy would come to the door, you better be lucky your parents aren't here because your dad would be telling him to come inside."

"Eric always avoided my parents because he is actually scared of them."

"I can hear dad now." Caleb chuckles as we walk down the steps and I tie on a pink bandana. "Que lo mejor es que vengas a la puerta y me saludan joven"

You better come to the door and greet me young man!

"Like he could understand your dad. Good luck Tris, if you aren't back before eleven I am calling the cops. Bye Caleb!" Christina says shrugging her jacket over her shoulders and then walks to her car.

"Here goes nothing, bye big bro." I say giving him a hug and Caleb waves as I walk to Eric's car.

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