Chapter Sixteen: Judgement...

Start from the beginning

"That's right you'll see me Monday, but I'm working on getting you out of here. I don't want you to spend any time away, but if you have to it will be for a short time." Avery got up, cleared the table of his files, and walked over to the door.

Officer Hernandez was right outside the door, and he was ready to take me back to my cell once Avery and I were done talking. I would have to stay here until Monday to plead my case. It would be something I would have to do, I can't go pass it at this point. I made a promise to myself that night as I sat in the cold cell, Greg was going to pay for this shit. 

Saturday night and Sunday came and went by quickly. Every hour that passed by was filled with thoughts of Kim. Maybe I did overreact, but damn so had she! I don't understand how we planned to leave things in the past if was kept lying to each other and keeping secrets. She didn't have to cheat on me though. That shit was cold and really broke me down. I know I would forgive her eventually, but I needed my space for now. 

Monday morning came and was able to go in and meet the judge first thing. It was around eight in the morning when I was called to meet Judge Morehouse, a black, bald, older man with a salt and pepper beard. He looked he didn't take shit from anyone, so I knew that Avery had better be on his game to pull this off. The baliff entered the court, "Everyone please rise for the Honorable Judge Vincent Morehouse." The judge entered and took his seat, motioning us to have a seat as well. The court room was not filled with people, just Avery, myself, the baliff, the judge, Greg's lawyer, and my mom. I wasn't surprised that Greg's ass didn't show, but I was surprised not to see Kimberly's face there. Something must be wrong.

Judge Morehouse looked over his paperwork before speaking, "Defendent Jason Tremaine Williams, you are being charged with the assault against Gregory Lawrence. I am also told that we have evidence on the crime committed. How do you plead?"

I looked at Avery before speaking, he nodded his head in approval. "Guilty your honor, I plead guilty."

"Good choice Mr. Williams, that may help you in this case. You may be seated sir." As I took my seat the only thing I could that was how this could or could not go in my favor.....



The call from jail with Jason on the other side was a complete surprise to me. I could think for the life of me why he would have been arrested, in jail, and calling me for help. I did as he asked though and called his mom. Good thing I had saved her number from the time Jason was in the hospital. As soon as I hung up with Jason, I dialed her number. She answered after two rings, "Hi sweetheart. Are you doing okay." she spoke with a smile.

"Hi Ms. Lisa, I'm doing good. I just spoke with Jason. He told me to tell you this... The book is in the cabinet turning brown and you needs to bring it out? I believe that's what he said."

"He's in trouble I see. It means that the money he has stashed needs to be taken out to take care of his bail. I will take care of it sweetie. Are you sure you're okay. I heard what happened, and although you hurt my son, I hope that you and the baby are fine."

"I'm okay Ms. Lisa, just a little down. Hopefully Jason will forgive me one day. Just so you know, it is his baby"

"You don't have too tell me that child, I already know. Let me go take care of this business to help my son. Let me know if you need something okay."

"Yes Ms. Lisa. Please let me know good or bad if you hear something from him, good or bad. Goodbye."

"I will Kim, Goodbye sweetheart." She disconnected the line. I hope that whatever Jason did it wasn't too bad, that he would be out in no time. I needed him back and he needed to be okay, we needed to be okay.

I was walking back to my bedroom when I felt a pain, a really sharp pain come from my abdomen. I bent forward in pain, holding my stomach to ease the pressure I began to feel. I began to try and take small steps towards my bathroom, that's when I saw it. The blood began to run down my leg onto the floor. This was my first pregnancy, but I knew that if a woman began to bleed while pregnant that could only mean one thing...miscarriage. 

I was already alone and without the man I love. Now I had to go through this alone too. I fell to the ground praying for the pain to stop. My phone had fallen to the ground as well because I still had it in my hand from talking to Ms. Lisa. Still holding my stomach, I reached for my phone. I needed to call someone, but I never got to make that call, I blacked out there on the floor.


That's the end of Chapter Sixteen! I hope the length was okay and that you all enjoyed it! Yes, I left you with another cliffhanger because I want you come back and see what happens!

Let me know what you think :) COMMENT/VOTE/SHARE and FAN!!! ~BRIT

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