Chapter Forty Two

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Hey sweeties!

Well aren’t you guys lucky! You’ve gotten updates several days in a row.

So just around 2 or so more chapters left after this one then a small epilogue.

I’m going to miss writing about Prinny and Zayn but I think Niall has suffered enough. It’s time for that leprechaun to find his love.

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Chapter Forty Two The Flat


       "Lou I need your help." I said trying to talk to Louis for the first time since he had told me to go to hell after that interview that had thoroughly ruined my life. No I shouldn’t blame the interview it was my own damn fault for saying what I said.

        "And why should I help you? You broke my sister’s heart. She hasn’t laughed like she used to in so long. Her eyes are cold and it’s your damn fault so congratulations Zayn you destroyed your ‘flower'"

         "I know and I hate myself for it." I looked down at the ground tears prickling at my eyes. "I can’t go on like this anymore. Please you have to help me get her back."

          "And why should I do that?"

        "Because I love her."

       Louis stared at me for a few minutes assessing what I had just said. He seemed to think it over before finally sighing. “All right I’ll help.”

            “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I grabbed Louis up in my arms hugging him for dear life in gratitude.

            “Let off.” Louis pushed me off with a smile. “So what have you planed.”

            I smirked. “You know how Prinny loves that movie The Swan Princess? Well in it to be with Odette Prince Derek has to make a vow of everlasting love.”

            “And this matters why?’

            “I’m going to make my own everlasting vow. There’s the Charity Masked Ball on Saturday what better place than to do it there.”

            “That’s brilliant.” Louis whispered thoughtfully. “And you’re probably planning on doing this right after we preform?” His eyes lit up. “And let me guess, you already have a song picked out.”

            “Truly Madly Deeply.”

            “And where do I come in?”

            “I need you to make sure that Prinny is around to hear us sing and that she doesn’t run off when I try to talk to her. Think you can do that?”

            “Zayn do you not realize who you are talking to? I can do anything. I’m superman!”

-Primrose- Shopping

            “Try this one on.” Corra said tossing another dress over the top of the changing room door. The dress was a deep burgundy skin tight mermaid dress. It was absolutely awful. The dark color of the dress completely washed out my milky skin tone. “How does it look?”

            “Ugly.” I couldn’t draw up much enthusiasm for dress shopping. I was missing Zayn. Every moment away from him tore at my heart. Not taking him back yesterday had been the hardest thing I had ever done but I couldn’t be with someone that was always changing what they wanted.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now