Chapter Thirty Four

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Hey sweeties!

Prom is in less than a month and I still need to find a mask. The theme is mascaraed which is like my dream theme, I’ve always wanted to go to one. The mystery, the romance, mmmmmmmmmm. I just love them.

Well while I’ve got you let’s take a minute to talk about my other story that I am currently working on. I’m pretty sure I have told you about it before. It’s called Beauty and the Biker. While the title might make you think it’s a beauty and the beast kind of story it’s really not. Actually the main female character is in love with Snow White. It’s a really cute teen romance that I’m working really hard on so please go check it out for me. J

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Chapter Thirty Four Farm House


            “Niall you need to hurry or else we’re going to be late.” I scolded as Niall sluggishly packed his bags. It had been about a week since Louis got hurt and Paul and I agreed that it wasn’t safe here anymore so we were going back to London.

            “But Prinny there’s so much to do…Help me mummy?” Niall gave me bug puppy eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him, I was not going to fall for this trick again. “Mummy…”

            “ARHG FINE!” I stomped my foot on the ground.

            “YAY!!” Niall jumped thrusting a fist high.

            “Just be quiet and pack.” I went over to his closet pulling out clothes and taking them over to a suitcase.

            “Are you okay Prinny?” Niall asked me concerned.


            “Prinny don’t lie to me.” Niall placed a hand on my arm turning me to face him.

            “Ni… I’m scared.” I said simply.

            Niall pulled me into his arms. Niall wasn’t the biggest person ever but at this moment I felt like a child being held by him. “Of what love? He’s not going to hurt you ever again.”

            “But the threat is still out there. You don’t know what he’s capable of. And I don’t want any of you hurt again.” I laid my head against his chest and sighed.

            “Everything will be okay Prinny I promise.” Niall rubbed my back protectively.

            I drew comfort from his embrace then pulled back. “We need to get you packed.” I changed the subject and went back to the bags.


            I couldn’t get the image of Louis’s still, broken body out of my mind. It haunted me every minute. When they had taken Justin away, I had thought it was all over, that he couldn’t hurt me or anyone I loved again. But I was wrong.

            “Hey Flower.” Zayn said coming over and sitting next to me. “If you keep frowning your face is going to stick that way.” He joked and I tried to give him a small smile. “Come on just one smile.”

            “Zayn…” I sighed.

            He stared at me for a moment or two focusing on something. His hands gently gripped my shoulder as he placed his lips against mine in a sweet kiss. He pulled back too soon and looked into my eyes. “Be mine.” He whispered as his hands slid down my arms to link together with my own. “Be mine Prinny.”

            “Zayn…” I felt as if he was gazing into my very heart. My heart beat so hard against my chest I was sure that it could be heard all throughout the private jet.

            “Will you be my girlfriend Prinny?” His cheeks were slightly pinkened, he looked so adorable all nervous like this.

            I smiled shyly at him not saying anything as I leaned forward and kissed him. It started out slow and sweet  as I tangled my hands in his perfectly styled hair. He nipped at my lower lip and I gasped as his tongue entered my mouth.

            “No baby making on the plane!” Louis squealed breaking us apart.

            I giggled looking up at my brother, who had a horrified expression on his face. “If you think that is how you make a baby Lou , then I think you and I need to have a talk.” Zayn chuckled as he said this.

            “EWIE NO NO NO!!!!” He shouted waving his hands all around.

            “Oh dear…” I whispered looking at Zayn’s hair. He wasn’t going to be happy when he saw it. I reached up and tried my best to fix it but only managed to make it worse.

            “Prinny what are you doing?” He asked.

            “Just don’t look in the mirror any time soon.” I said sheepishly biting my lip.

            “Why not?” He had a slightly worried look on his face as he reached for the mirror that he always kept with him.

            “Oh no you don’t.” I snatched the mirror from him and slipped it into my pocket.

            “Prinny,” He said with a warning tone as he made a move to grab me. I jumped up and ran over to Niall and Harry who were relaxing on a couch. I dove onto it on top of them. I crawled across their laps and slid behind them pushing them nearly off of the couch.

            “Hide me.” I begged. Zayn looked at me menacingly and I crept more into the couch as if he wouldn’t be able to see me.

            “Prinny,” He growled and grabbed my ankle pulling me across the couch towards him.

            “Noooooo!” I squeaked giggling. He put his hands on my waist and flipped me over taking the mirror out of my pocket. In this position I was bent over the couch.

“What a cute little bum.” Zayn said before landing a slight slap on it then ran a hand over it soothing it. I squeaked. Jerking away siting up on the couch. He laughed and started to open the mirror and I dove at him knocking him over as I took the mirror back. I started to get up only to have him grip my hips and yank me back down on top of him, and then he kissed me roughly.

            I moaned into the kiss and was then rudely shoved off of him. Before I could react Zayn looked into the mirror and let out a girlish scream. “PRINNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

            “Oopsie?” I said and shrugged my shoulders.


This chapter was fun and cute to write. I hope you enjoyed it!

Cute gif on the side. >>>>>>>>>>>>>

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