Chapter Twenty One

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Hey sweeties!!

Just a heads up I am not an expert on care for mountain lions so if you are and you’re reading this and you find something wrong I’m sorry. I did a little research but didn’t find much.

Here’s Chapter Twenty One!!

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Chapter Twenty One The Cabin


I sat on the couch holding the cub in my lap while Liam read off care facts for the cub. “He looks to be only about 5 weeks so he’s probably still nursing.” Liam listed off some feeding facts and other things. “Ok so we need to go into town and get the cub a few things and take him to a vet plus you need an exotic pet license.”

“Those take a while to get.” Harry said.

“How do you know that Harry?” I asked.

“Because I got one a year ago when I wanted to get a pet komodo dragon but Uncle Si wouldn’t let me. So until you can get one we can just use mine.”

“Perfect!” I exclaimed looking down as the cub woke up. He wiggled out of my lap on to the couch and then put his front paws on my thighs and looked up at me. “Yes sweetie?” I asked the cub as if it was really going to answer. He wagged his tail like a dog and ran across my lap to the other side of the couch and back rambunctiously then suddenly stopped and looked at me again. “Oh yes Harry is handsome.” I said as if I was reading his mind.

“That cub is like your sidekick.” Zayn observed coming into the living room with a cup of tea for me.

“That’s perfect Zayn! I will name you Sidekick!” I cooed to the cub holding him out in front of me.

“Oh come on Prinny really? He needs a big strong name like Kevin!” Louis said.

“Pigeons are Kevin Lou. She needs to name him after the best place in the world, Nandos.” Niall said striking a superhero pose.

“No she should name him Andy!” Liam interjected.

“She is naming him after me and that is final!” Harry argued.

“He is named Sidekick and that is final!” Zayn and I shouted at the same time.

-Pet Store Later that Day-

I walked down aisle after aisle in a local pet store with Liam and Sidekick gathering things he would need. After Paul returned we had gone straight to the vet and had Sidekick checked over, there he gave us strict care instructions and a substitute milk formula for Sidekick until he was ready to eat solids.

Liam walked beside me carrying a basket filled with things from chew toys to sleeping pads. “Prinny look at what we found!” Louis called out to me running down the aisle toward us holding a leash. Taking a second look I found that Harry was attached to the leash and was sporting a wide grin. I just shook my head at them as Niall came back as well holding an open bag of bacon treats.

“Please tell me you aren’t eating those.” I told Niall.

“What, its bacon?!” Niall said.

“It’s a dog treat Niall you can’t eat dog treats hence the name dog treat!”

“They’re not people treats Niall they could make you sick!” Liam said bringing out his daddy side taking the treats from a sulking Niall. Liam looked down at the bag reading the ingredients. “At least its 100% real bacon.” Liam sighed and shook his head. “But it’s still a dog treat Niall.”

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now