Chapter Thirteen

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Hello sweeties!

What do you think so far?

Anyone got a guess for why Louis and Corra don’t get along?

There’s a song in this chapter so I added the YouTube link to this so that you can listen to it if you want. :)

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Chapter Thirteen The Signing


After I had arrived back at the flat the boys quickly got ready for the day while I tried to calm down from the coffee over load. Liam gave the girls and I a whole long lecture over why I couldn’t have coffee and how it could stunt my growth and blah blah blah. Farah ended up telling Liam what he could do with his lecture and how far he could put it. After Farah had said that to him his face had gotten all red and he just walked off Farah smirking behind him.

At the signing I sat next to Zayn and Louis close to the end of the table while the girls sat with Paul behind us. I smiled as some fans would come up to me and tell me how pretty I was, that they just loved me and totally shipped Prarry and Nirose. Prarry was apparently Harry and my mash up name while Nirose was mine and Niall’s. After the boys had fought over me at the interview things had blown up over the fact that I could be in a relationship with one of the boys.

Getting close to the end of the signing a tall girl with a snide look on her face came up to me.

“Hey Prinny what direction do 5 gay guys walk? One Direction, so watch out honey your brother is after his band mates.” The girl laughed at her own lame joke.

I stood up calmly and just looked at her waiting before I spoke. “So Darlin’ what direction does a rude bitch walk?” I nodded towards Paul. “She doesn’t because she’s getting her ass pulled out the door.” I smiled sweetly as Paul went over to her and grabbed her arm. “Oh and one last thing Darlin’, those shoes with that purse? Such a big fashion no no.” I winked at her and walked away swaying my hips sassily as I heard the fans go ‘ooooh’. I smiled as I overheard Louis say to the boys “See I’m not the only queen of sass.”


“See I’m not the only queen of sass.” I said proudly as Prinny walked away from the signing swaying her hips in a sassy way that I myself had done so many times before. When the girl had made her little joke to Prinny I, the boys and Paul had all stiffened ready to say something but Prinny beat us to it. I couldn’t believe that my sweet little sister had the guts to do something like that, she was more and more like me every day. I leaned back in my chair and put my hands behind my head as I watched Paul take the girl away.

“I’ll go find Prinny and make sure she’s ok.” Niall said standing up.

“No let Zayn go.” Corra said a glint in her eyes. Zayn smiled and nodded at her standing up to go after Prinny.

Was something going on that no one was telling me between Prinny and Zayn?

-Prinny- Outside

I walked around outside the building where the signing was trying to calm down. Even though I confronted her as if I wasn’t mad, inside I was steaming in anger.

How dare she call my brother gay? Who was she to know anything about him?

I stomped my foot in anger making a small angry shout. “Didn’t know you had that in you flower.” I heard Zayn say from behind me.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn Malikजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें