Chapter One

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Hey Sweeties here’s the first chapter of He Loves Me He Loves Me Not a One Direction Fan Fiction.

Let me know what you think!!

By the way I changed the main characters name from Charlotte to Primrose. I couldn’t have Louis having a sister named Charlotte and an adopted sister named Charlotte that would be way to confusing.


Chapter One Dr. Enfield’s House


Today was the 3rd anniversary of my parent’s death. I held up my locket and looked inside at the photo of my family. They had been wonderful parents, so loving and caring, protective to their last breath. I was no longer sad over their death, I hadn’t been for a long time. After their death I had fallen into a deep depression and attempted suicide. A wonderful doctor, Dr. Enfield, had saved me. After I came to in the hospital he had told me that I had to live on for my parents that they wouldn’t want to see me suffer. I took his advice and from that day I changed the way I lived, I celebrated life and helped people like me who had lost their parents.

For those 3 years that my parents had been gone I had been juggled between several different foster families and had stayed with many distant relatives. For the last 3 months I had been living with Dr. Enfield and his family I was happy here but I felt as if I didn’t really belong.

“Prinny? Could you come down stairs please?” Dr. Enfield called from the living room. Closing my locket I quickly left my room wondering what it was he wanted. Walking into the living room I was met with a woman quickly pulling me into her arms tightly. I struggled to loosen her grip on me wondering who she was. When she finally pulled away I noticed that she looked a bit familiar.

“Oh Prinny you’ve become so beautiful in the years since I last saw you!” She exclaimed gushing over me.

“I’m sorry but I’m drawing a blank as to who you are. Have we met?” I asked inquisitively.

“Well of course you don’t remember me I haven’t seen you since you were just a baby!” Her accent caused me to pause, she was British. My father was British could she be a relative of his? “I’m your Aunt Jay.” I was still drawing a blank.

“Your father’s older sister, dear.” Dr. Enfield cut in putting his arm around my shoulders. “You might want to sit down we have something to tell you.”

I walked over to one of the couches and slowly sunk down onto it, still shocked that my father had a sister. Jay came over to sit next to me, she put her arm around my shoulder and I slowly leaned into her.

“I’ve adopted you Prinny. Now don’t look like that dear please let me explain?” She rushed to say after seeing my expression of shock mixed with confusion. “Your father was the best man I knew. He was my best friend and every day I regret that I was separated from him and his family for so long. I can’t change the past but I promise to make the future better.”

I looked down at my locket still not saying anything. “Prinny this is the chance of a lifetime. You’re going to move to England.” Dr. Enfield said gently.

“But what about Claire?” I asked thinking of the orphan that I had been mentoring she was like a baby sister to me.

“Claire is going to stay with me until we can find her a permanent home you don’t need to worry about her.”

I sighed in defeat. I didn’t have that many friends so it wasn’t like I would be leaving too much behind. “When do we leave?”

“Our flight leaves tomorrow at noon. Why don’t you go pack dear?” Jay said squeezing my shoulders one last time. I started to walk away only to turn around when Jay said, “Oh and by the way dear I have 5 children of my own, Louis, Charlotte, Felicity, and the twins Phoebe and Daisy. Don’t worry dear they will love you.” I slightly smiled and then escaped to my room.

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Well sweeties that’s chapter one of He Loves Me He Loves Me Not.

Let me know what you think.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now