Chapter Twenty Two

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Hey sweeties!

Sorry if this chapter like totally sucks. I’ve had a really stressful day. I had to make 45 flashcards for my honors econ class, make 4 large stock charts for a test in the same econ class that is like a lot of points and my teacher isn’t going to take it late, and then lastly I had to write a 1,500 word paper on a literary topic found within The Stranger, Oedipus, or Faust for my I.B. English class (which isn’t that easy considering that paper is worth 25% of my grade and I.B. is like a step above honors making it really hard). Did I mention that all of this was like due today during school and I hadn’t even started any of it?

Stressssssssssfuuuuuuuuullllllll!!!!!!!!! That goodness I have a 3 day weekend to relax.

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Chapter Twenty Two The Cabin


“Is she up yet?” I vaguely heard someone ask in my bedroom the next day, still asleep.

“I don’t know poke her.” Another person said. A finger poked my cheek once, twice, and then a third time.

“Stop poking her. I heard that that can cause bad dreams.” A third person said.

“Prinny wakey wakey.” The first voice chorused.

“Come on midget we need you to make us food.” A fourth person said.

“Zayn she is not a servant.” A fifth person said.

“I never said that. Paul isn’t going to make us food and none of us want to so that leaves Prinny.”

I slightly opened my eyes finding Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn in my room looking down at me. Niall’s hand was currently poised to poke me again. I closed my eyes again settling into my blankets more. “Go away.”

“But Prinny we need food.” Niall said as he poked me.

“Then go get some.”

“But we need you to make it.”

“I am never making food for you again after yesterday. I still have batter in my hair.”

“Please Prinny you’re the best at making breakfast and we apologized for the batter it was an accident.” Harry said lifting the covers off me. Suddenly cold and uncovered I shivered reaching for the closest thing to me which happened to be Zayn. I grabbed his shirt blindly pulling him down into my bed next to me and cuddled into his warmth.

“Not cooking for you period. Now get out before I get cranky.” I said drifting back to sleep again.


“Please Prinny you’re the best at making breakfast and we apologized for the batter it was an accident.” Harry said lifting the covers off of Prinny revealing her pajama clad body, even in an old oversized shirt and a pair of silly boxer pajama shorts she was adorable. She shivered and grabbed onto my shirt pulling me into the bed with a surprising amount of strength. Her body curled into mine and my arms went around her on their own.

“Not cooking for you period. Now get out before I get cranky.” Prinny said going back to sleep. I tried to pull myself out of Prinny’s grip but in sleep she held on tight.

“Well that certainly didn’t work.” Liam said sighing. “Though it is your guy’s fault that she doesn’t want to cook for us again.”

“What! How is it our fault?” Louis asked pretending to be hurt.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now