Chapter Forty

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Hello sweeties!!

I don’t even know why I’m putting in an author’s note up here because we all know that you just want to get on with the chapter.

So I’ll give you what you want.

Here, my sweeties, is Chapter Forty. Enjoy!

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Chapter Forty The Interview


“I’m not dating anyone.”

Those four words were like four bullets to my heart. ‘I’m not dating anyone’, those words kept replaying in my mind, each time adding another crack to my already breaking heart.

            As soon as the words were out of his mouth Zayn’s face paled. Four sets of glaring male eyes were trained onto him. “Looks like there is still 3/5ths of One Direction still single ladies. Thanks again for being here you guys.” The host said farewell to us and as the show cut to commercial Niall dragged Zayn off stage while Harry, Louis, and Liam gently led me away.

            Those four words just kept whirling through my mind over and over again. It was like a painful dramatic symphony. Everything around me was just a blank, soundless, empty, nothingness.

-The Flat-

            The car ride back to the flat was silent. Zayn sat on his own looking at me with pleading eyes. Every look he gave me was like a knife to the heart. I couldn’t understand why he had done it. Why he was one minute so loving and caring and the next denying our relationship.

            Lying in bed trying to comprehend it all, my phone began ringing. “Hello?” I asked quietly into it.

            “Hey.” Corra’s voice came from the other line soothingly. “You okay?”

            “I’m not sure.” I said truthfully.

            “He’s a dick.”

            “Yeah.” I sighed.

            “So the girls and I were thinking that maybe you would want to come and stay with us for a while. You know just get away from it all.”

            “I don’t know.”

            “Let me rephrase that offer. I talked to Louis. I know, I know crazy right? Anyway Louis and I think that you and Zayn need to get away from each other until he sorts out what’s going on in his mind. So you’re going to live with the girls and I until this all blows over okay?”

            “I guess.” My response was slow and tired, I just wanted a nap.

            “Just hang in there love. I’m gonna be over there in soon to help you pack up some stuff. Love you.”

            “Love you too.”

-Corra- Corra, Leena, and Farah’s Flat

            Grabbing the vase full of flowers off the end table I raised it up and slammed in onto the floor, sending water, pieces of glass, and flowers everywhere. “THAT DICK!!”

            “Hey! I just arraigned that.” Farah protested to my anger.

            “What is he thinking!?”

            “I don’t know.” Farah sighed.

            “I could kill him!” I grabbed another vase only to have it taken from me by Leena.

            “Calm down Corra. You being angry isn’t going to help Prinny.” She said calmingly.

            “I’m just so angry that he would do something like that to her! Hasn’t she already been through enough? Does he have to break her heart to?”

            “I don’t know why Zayn did it but I’m sure he had a reason.”

            “Next time I see him he’s dead.” My voice was low and threatening. He hurt Prinny and that wasn’t going to fly.

-Prinny- The Flat

            It wasn’t much longer than a half hour before Corra and the twins arrived and helped me pack up most of my clothes and things. By then the shock had dispersed and was now turning into sharp harsh pain. The boys wouldn’t let Zayn anywhere near me but that didn’t stop him from constantly calling my phone.

            “You ready love?” Farah asked me rubbing my back while I looked around my now empty room one last time.

            “Yeah.” I nodded before grabbing up a bag and heading into the living room. I was greeted by the sight of Zayn sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

            “Prinny.” He whispered looking up at me. It was then that he noticed my bags and fear shot into his eyes as he jumped up and rushed over to me. “Where are you going?”

            I looked at the ground as tears filled my eyes. “She’s moving in with us.” Corra answered for me barely hiding her anger.

            “What? Why?” He looked at me dumfounded.

            “Because I can’t be around you.” I whispered as a single tear slid down my face.

            “Prinny please don’t do this.” He pleaded. “I didn’t mean what I said.”

            “Then what did you mean?”

            “Everything was just moving so fast. I didn’t know what to do. I’m not good with commitment.”

            “Zayn I can’t take this bipolar thing you have anymore. One minute you like me and then the next you hate me. Now where dating and you want to tell the fans and then when it comes time to, you back out. I don’t think you understand how much that hurts me.” Tears began to fall faster and faster as I told him this.

            “I’m so sorry Prinny. Please don’t leave. Please let me show you how much you really mean to me. How much I care about you.” His hands were shaking as he held mine. His fear and pain was apparent as he looked at me, but I couldn’t let it sway me.

            “I’m sorry Zayn but I’m done.” I whispered these last words to him as I slipped the necklace he had given me into his hands and left.

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Sad chappy, sorry sweeties. :(

Next update is hopefully soon

Please, please, please comment and tell me what you are thinking. Tell me what you want to happen next. Please tell me if you think the title should be An Everlasting Love. Please show the love!

Harry being a dork on the side to make this chappy happier. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now