Chapter Nineteen

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Hey sweeties!!

I’m sorry I didn’t update all weekend, I was helping my brother get ready for college! He was accepted into a college all the way in Denver so his flight was Sunday morning!

I miss him. :(

Well anyway here’s Chapter Nineteen!

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Chapter Nineteen The Limo


I sat in the limo watching Liam try to get Prinny to calm down. She was usually so calm but with just a little caffeine she went haywire.

When the boys had gone to pack a few of Prinny’s things for our vacation I had questioned Dr. Enfield on everything about Prinny. Why hadn’t she told me that her parent’s killer was out of jail? Did she not trust us? Of all reasons for her to leave us that was the last one I would think of. Didn’t she realize she was safer with us and Paul? Or maybe there was even more behind the killer than Prinny was letting us see.

“Louis let’s play a game.” Prinny said drawing my gaze over to her. Liam was trying to get her to watch a movie while Zayn held her hand as kind of a tether to keep her in place.

“What game?” I asked.

“It’s called the question game I ask you a series of questions really fast and you answer them with the first thing that pops into your head. Ready?”

“Yep.” I said popping the ‘p’.

“Favorite food.”


“Favorite color.”


“Jeans or chinos.”


“Spending the night in or out partying.”

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(A/N) Omg sweeties this is the 100th page on Word!!!! I don’t know how many it is on Wattpad but its 100 in Word!!

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“Where are you taking me?”

“A log cabin…shit. Damn it Prinny you tricked me!” I glared at her.

“Hey don’t blame me for you spilling the big secret!” She giggled.

-Prinny- The Log Cabin

Two or three hours later we arrived at a remote log cabin. If you could even call it a log cabin, it was so huge. Being here gave me a sense of relief. I felt as if we were safe here, that he wouldn’t be able to find us.

I ran around the cabin exploring as the boys picked rooms. It was late at night and most people would be exhausted and wanting to get some sleep but I was just so high energy from the caffeine that I knew I wouldn’t be able to get to sleep until late in the morning. I left the room I had been currently in not paying attention and ran into a wall. I felt a chuckle reverberate against my face and looked up.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora