Chapter Twelve

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Hello sweeties!!

How are you today?

Right now I’m in my school library on maw laptop drinking a delicious shamrock frappe. YUMMY!

So anyone want to guess why Corra and Louis don’t seem to get along?

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Chapter Twelve The Loft


At around 5 the boys began to complain that they were hungry so I went into the kitchen to make some dinner. As soon as my back was turned I felt 3 pairs of hands grab me. One of them put a blindfold on me while another handcuffed me and the last one held me still. “Shh were kidnaping you just go along with it.” I heard Corra whisper in my ear. I heard someone scribbling a note and then I was led out side, well at least I thought it was outside.


Prinny and the girls had gone into the kitchen over a half hour ago and the boys and I were beginning to wonder what was going on. “It’s really quiet in the kitchen are you even sure they are making dinner?” Niall asked.

“I’ll go check.” Louis said standing up from where he was on the loveseat with Harry and walking into the kitchen. He had been unusually quiet when Corra arrived. I heard a shout and looked over toward the kitchen. “THEY’VE KIDNAPPED HER!!!”

“What?” I was confused, why would the girls kidnap Primrose?

“Look, look at this threatening note they left.” Louis handed me a note and I read over it.

We kidnapped Prinny for the night. We want a dozen of Harry’s cupcakes or she loses some of her hair. –The Bandits

I laughed over the girls little joke, this must have been Corra’s and Farah’s idea. “Well Harry get to baking we have a ransom to fill.”

-Primrose- Corra, Leena, and Farah’s Flat

The girls didn’t take the blindfold off until we reached a flat. “Welcome to our beautiful flat Prinny!!” Farah said gesturing all around.

“Why it’s just lovely!” I gushed having fun with this whole silly charade.

“Come let us gather into the living room for girly time merriment.” Corra laughed leading me over to a couch. “Don’t worry we didn’t really kidnap you we just wanted to have you all to ourselves since the boys have been hogging you all week.”

“I figured that was what it was. Oh my goodness Niall is going to be so worried!!” I suddenly realized. Niall was like a little brother to me, somehow that little Irish boy had grabbed hold of my heart with both hands and wouldn’t let go. “You have to let me call him and tell him everything is ok!!”

“Harry was right you really are like a mummy to Niall. Don’t worry we left the boys a ransom note so they won’t worry.”

“Liam will.” Farah interjected. “He worries about everything. And Louis might since you’re his new baby sister and from what the boys have told us he’s really protective of you.”

“They will get over it I’m just worried about Niall he’s so sensitive! Oh and dinner, I didn’t make them dinner!” I said still worried.

“Calm down Mummy Direction Nialler will get over it and the boys will find their own food.” Corra laughed at my worries. “Seriously calm down mum.”

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now