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**hola mis muchachos :D this is the last chapter to CAPTURED... I hope that you all liked reading it because i liked writing it... please tell your friends and what not because it means a lot to me knowing that people have been reading this. I must apologise for the AWFUL historical parts because i am very suckish at history so please just ignore them parts :)** 

Am i dead, i thought to myself as a bright light shone on my face. Slowly i opened my eyes and was disappointed to see that i was still in fact very much alive. The light was coming from the sun as it seeped through the small rectangular window at the top corner of the hut.

with much pain and difficult i was finally on my feet but as i straightened up, a big wave of nausea and light headedness hit me, instantly sending me back to the floor in a heap. 

Tears of anger and frustration fell down my face as i continued to fall over and over again each time i tried to stand up. Why couldn’t i just die? Death would bring me peace. With death there’s no pain or suffering. 

Just as i was about to give up, the food bell sounded. It had been almost two weeks since we were last fed.  Knowing fully well that if i didn't hurry and get a good place in the queue i would end up missing out which would mean that i would probably not last through the day. I needed to survive. Not for me but for Timmy. I’m all he has left and he's all i have left.

As i neared the food queue, i spotted Timmy as he was being pushed out of the queue numerous times by adults and children alike. All he did was just stand there and not retaliate. How can he expect to survive if he doesn’t try. Anger welled up inside me as i marched to him pushing him back into the queue. People shouted and tried to push us out but i stood my ground and held us in place. 

"Ali it's mean to push in," Timmy pointed out.

"I don't care. You need to eat and that's that." i said with finality.

He didn't say anything else after that. He shrugged his shoulders in defeat before taking the bowl the soldier was rudely pushing in his direction.

As i sat down with Timmy it didn’t take me long before i had gobbled the entire contents of my bowl. My stomach had long stopped complaining about the quality of the food and had just settled on being happy it was being fed at all. 

I watched Timmy impatiently as he slowly ate his "porridge". My mouth watered and it took all i had to not just rip the bowl out of his hands and eat from it  without giving him a second thought. Fortunately, Timmy finally finished his food. He started licking his bowl until he had cleared every little bit.

"You took y-" i started to say before i was interrupted by a loud trumpet signalling the start of our 10 hour daily labour shift.

Groaning, i hulled myself to my feet before walking down to the labour yard. At the entrance stood none other than Klaus. He had his trademark half smirk half sneer on display. It grew deeper as he spotted me in the mass of people. As i tried to walk from him without confrontation, he stood in front of me blocking all means of escape.

" You look different. Have you done something different with your hair?" he mocked, his eyes dancing in excitement .

"You know exactly what's different. You’re fucking killing me!" i wanted to say but i knew that would get me killed so i just stayed quiet.

A sharp pain exploded through my body emanating from the right side of my face. He’d slapped me. The blow had been too much for my frail body to bear so i was sent crumbling onto the ground. 

I saw Klaus move until he was stood right in front of me. I closed my eyes awaiting the fatal blow to the head but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes and in that moment Klaus decided it would be funny to kick sand in my eyes. I howled in pain as the tiny grains spiked my eyes.

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