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** ive realised im not getting as many coments and reads why is that? is this book crappy? well im sorry  but to those who still read it thank youu you guys are awsomee :D**

Barak nodded to the woman and started walking towards the door on the right side of the room signalling us to follow him. Once we’d left the room I shuffled closer to Barak and softly whispered to him,

“Where are we going?”

I waited for him to answer until it was apparent that he wasn’t going to speak to us. Suit yourself; I thought to myself as we continued to walk down the long corridor. We finally stopped at a door that said “sheere” when Barak finally decided to grace us with his voice.

“Whatever you do, stay quiet unless they ask you to speak” he hissed before turning back around and scurrying back down the corridor without another word.

What could be behind that door? Taking a deep breath, mama pushed open the door and walked in through with me hot on her heels.

The room was plain with black walls and a small square window high on the wall almost touching the celling. In the middle of the room was a small square wooden table and chair and beside that was a mountain of rags. On the wooden table there was an electric shaver connected to the mains.

What’s going on?

I didn’t have to dwell on it for long because a deep yet femenine voice vibrated through the room.

“You,” she barked pointing at me, “sit”.

Not wasting time I scurried over to the chair and sat down.

Where did she come from?

I inspected the woman. She was just like the last woman we saw except this woman  had an intimidating voice. The woman wore no mask which if it wasn’t for her uniform I would have surely mistaken her for one of us.

The woman started pacing around me like a predator does its until she was fully out of my eye line. The fact that I couldn’t see her or what she was up unnerved me but I didn’t dare turn around. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her long pale arm grab the electric shaver before bringing it to life.

Oh dear lord she was going to cut of my hair, I thought as I felt the blades move through my hair. I felt the tears roll down my as black clump after black clump fell on the floor.

Why would they want us bald? Why exactly do they benefit from having us bald?

“Next!” the woman shouted towards mama before pushing me roughly to the floor.

She turned back to me and pointed at the pile of rags in front of me, “Pick some out”.

I crawled pathetically closer to the pile as I sifted through the rag. None of them were remotely close to my size. They were either too big or too small. Sighing, I picked out a small trouser and oversized top. When I’m frail and weak like everyone one else here the trouser will fit, I thought to myself.

I put the trouser on and found out that they weren’t that small, they were just short. As I pulled on the shirt over my head I got a whiff of it. The shirt smelt of urine sweat and faeces.

How many people have worn this before me, I thought to myself.

I turned back to look at mama who was already dressed and shaven. Her clothes actually looked like they were the right size.

The woman left the room leaving us stunned.

“Are we meant to follow her mama?” I asked

She just shook her head. Why isn’t she talking?

“Mama, why aren’t you talking to me?”


“mama please”


I was about to say something else but I was interrupted when Barak entered the room.

“Follow me” he said before turning away again.

We followed him down a different corridor until we were outside. I’d gotten so used to the smell inside the building, albeit that we’d only been there for half an hour, that I’d forgot that not everything stinks.

We carried on walking behind Barak until he stopped in front of one of the wooden shed like huts.

“This is where you’re going to be living” he imparted before once again walking away.

Mama rudely brushed past me and entered the hut. Although bewilded by her brash change of character I followed closely in.

“Mama what’s wrong” I asked her

No response.

Giving up, I looked around the room. Though the room was empty of human life you could easily tell that other people were occupied here. The room was strewn with cups, bowls and thin beige blankets. There was no furniture in the room whatsoever. Do we sleep on the floor?

I was about to voice my question to mama but when I turned around she was no longer there.

 *** are you still with me ? huh? first comenter gets a dedication***

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