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It’s time? Time for what? Time for them to kill us or...dare I say it? Time for them to let us go? Ha! As if.

“Get up!” Klein barked at us.

I’d never heard him speak before but his voice did not match his face nor his demeanour. He looked like the kind of person to possess a voice of a scared teacher trying to calm down his rowdy class. This voice that he emitted was not the voice that I would have associated him with. This voice was a voice that I would have associated with the military style American P.E teachers from the movies papa would bring for me.

Shaking with the cold, and fear, we slowly stood up while trying to cover up our naked bodies. Klein walked closer to us and lifted his hand in front of mama. Awaiting the blow she shut her eyes but the blow never came. Instead, Klein aimed at her slender neck and ripped her necklace harshly from her leaving an angry red mark in the process.

Without a word Klein turned away from us followed by the woman leaving us alone with Klaus. Mama kept on fingering the area where the necklace once was while silent tears rolled down her face. I was about to reach out to her but Klaus pointed his gun at me and mama signalling us to follow Klein and the woman. We walked out of the cold damp room through a different door to the one we had previously entered through. This door led us to the back “garden”. And when I say garden I mean a large opening.

 As soon as the door was opened my body collided with the bitter cold wind and I hesitated to continue until I felt Klaus’ gun jabbing at my back. Taking a deep breath, I continued on with my hands wrapped around my thin frame. At the end of the “garden”, a grey truck with metal jail cell bars for windows awaited us.

Klein was waiting outside the truck but when we neared him he entered it and we followed behind him followed by Klaus and his gun. The ride to wherever we were going was long and uneventful unless you count Klaus and Klein’s oh so great conversation about how the world would be a better place is it was and I quote “Jewless”.

By the end of the journey, mama had fallen asleep on my shoulder. How anyone could sleep in the same room, or truck, as two murderers was a mystery to me but in her defence she’s had a tough 24 hours.

“Mama, wake up were here” I whispered while nudging her awake softly with the shoulder she’d slept on.


“GET UP!” Klaus screamed in her ear making her literally jump.

I glared at him. How dare he treat my mother like that? She was old enough to his mother. She’s not his toy that he can play with whenever he got bored! I was getting increasingly angry when Klaus caught my glare and held it daring me retaliate with a sick smile plastered on his face.

Did I dare though? If I do anything he’ll surely kill me. This was just fun to him. I wasn’t a real person. To him, killing me wouldn’t count as murder seeing as I’m not human. But do I want to die? Yes, no I don’t know! If I die, I thought to myself, it’d be the end of all this for me. But I can’t leave mama; I reasoned with myself, I might be all she has left.

Sighing, I hung my head in guilt. How could I have been so selfish as to put myself before mama? The one person who’s always been there for me.  She brought me into this would for goodness sake. I looked up just in time to see Klaus’ victory smile before his face turned back into sneer I’d come to know.

“You’re going to die anyway so why not just let me do it?” Klein asked stroking his gun with a sick psychotic grin.

He raised the gun aiming it right between my eyes. This is it, I thought squeezing my eyes shut. I searched for mama’s hand until I found It and held on to it as I took what would be my last breath.

After a few seconds nothing had happened so I slowly opened my right eye.


 Am I dead, I thought to myself as I ran my hands around my body, my eyes firmly shut. No signs of any wounding so I must be dead. But why am I still naked? Does everyone live naked in heaven?

From beside me I heard sniggering. I opened my eyes ready to meet my first angel but was disappointed to see I was still in the truck and the sniggering belonged to Klein and Klaus.

I felt the anger rise from deep in my core. I was about to pounce on them, no longer fearing death but I was stop dead in my tracks.

“Ah ah ah” Klein smiled pointing his gun at mama’s temple

Don’t you dare!

“Just one step and… CABOOOM!” Klaus sang clearly enjoying this.

Klein looked at me mockingly clearly saying “hit me”. But did I dare? Would I let my anger get the best of me?

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