The Mantis

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[Name] blinked her eyes opened, but reluctantly, they fluttered closed. She rolled over, but an obnoxious ray of light flashed evilly in her eyes. "Are you awake yet?" A pleasant shadow blocked the sunlight, and [Name] sighed happily.

"I'm guessing that you're not, but you'll have to wake up eventually." She felt a warm breath close to her ear, and her first instinct was to figure out who was so close to her.

Quickly, she turned her head, but she groaned in pain. "Owwww..... What the-!" She opened her tired eyes and gasped when she saw Itachi holding his forehead.

"I'm sooo sorry!" She leaned forward and tried to help Itachi, but Itachi shook her off.

"No, I'm okay. Really." He looked up at her and smiled. Even though his face looked pleasant and happy, the swelling on his forehead said otherwise.

[Name] frowned. "I should be more careful... I'm sorry. Let me help you."

Itachi grabbed her hands and held them gently in his grasp. "It's fine. The throbbing hurts, but if you kiss it, it should be better." He smiled, waiting for [Name] to accept the offer.

"No. I can't do that. You're hurt because of me. Let's stop the swelling, so I can get on with my day." She pulled out a clean piece of linen and began to grab a bottle of water. "If you don't mind, I'm going to need you fire jutsu to boil some water."

Reluctantly, Itachi grabbed the almost ash-pile of sticks and spat out a small burst of flames. "Because I'm here to protect you, I'll do anything for you."

[Name] smiled. She leaned forward and kissed the swollen bump on his head. "Thank you. Now we wait for it to boil." She sat next to the fire and watched for bubbles.


Once [Name] had healed the red, swollen lump on his forehead, the two ventured out away from the secret cavern. [Name] looked up at the sky, clear and blue. "What are we gonna do now? Karasu and Ronome are gone with their own mentors. It's just us."

Itachi grabbed her hand. "Well, it is just the two of us. Now, since there are no children around, we can do our own research."

"Research? On what?"

"You're already very strong and well-spirited. I don't think you'll need extended training. So, instead of training, we'll spend our time hunting down the twins who attacked us and their master, Kamakiri-san. It'll help us prepare for whatever should come." explained Itachi.

[Name] nodded in agreement. "That makes sense. But, where could they be? They could have gone anywhere. The Satsujin clan is hidden and waiting to strike. Where could we find information?"

The tall Uchiha rubbed his chin in thought. "Yes... We will have to be secretive and be aware of our surroundings. Anyone could be a spy."

[Name] looked at the approaching village. "Konoha seems like a distant dream, don't you think? Even if it's over there, it's a little hard for me to suddenly pop back in and be friendly with everyone. It makes me think of lying. Lying to them about how I am a normal orphan who is happy and safe. I'm none of that."

She glanced back at Itachi. He grasped her hand. "You won't be that anymore. You won't be lying when you're with me. I guarantee it. Konoha will always be your home, but today we'll just wave good-bye to it. It's our home, so we'll always come back." He paused as [Name] pulled herself away and continued walking. He smiled at her subtle stubbornness.

Even if she did open up to him after nearly dying, she was still the reluctant her from the past.

He would change that.


Kamakiri was up early as usual. His insomnia had always been horrible, yet his youthful features somehow managed to stay. He was busy making plans, military plans, village renewal plans, all sorts of plans, that would benefit him and his clan. His loyal assassins were resting, and he would allow that. They needed to regain their strength in order to proceed with the plans.

He shuffled papers and documents, trying to organize the ancient scrolls that have been passed down for generations. It was time-consuming, organizing these fickle papers, and he wanted to hate the way the previous Satsujin lords were organized. He spent most of his life filing these sacred documents in order.

"Most of these are damn expenses. I mean, who uses this kind of currency anymore?! Hmph... It's not like I can throw it away..." He tossed the paper into a box labeled, "Useless Junk." He rummaged through boxes and cases, only to find unneeded items.

Finally, a gold-trimmed folder fell on top of a pile. Catching his attention, he grabbed it. He didn't recognize the folder. It was far too fancy for any sort of taxes. He opened it up and pulled out the sheets.

The papers revealed detailed descriptions of the Satsujin blood line. He glanced back and forth between the documents, tracing back blood and extended families. Finally, he came upon himself.

But, to his dismay, he was surprised at the labeling next to his name.

"Kamakiri Satsujin, Son of Kirigirisu* Satsujin and Tentochu** Satsujin. Third-prince."

Kamakiri squinted at the writing, sure that its information was wrong. He was the first-prince. That was why he was head. That was why he was in charge of such a wonderful, powerful clan.

How could he be third?

He traced along the paper, trying to find the unknown first and second princes.

Slowly, weaving, and then-!

"What is this?! An outrage! Why is this here?! Why are they here?!" He slammed the papers down and groaned in frustration.

He glared at the documents. "I'll be a mantis for sure. I'll tear off their heads easily..." He smirked to himself.

He would change his plans soon. A more sufficient plan to use...


On the papers, two names were listed:

"[Name] Cho, Daughter of Taka Cho and Kuki Cho***. First Princess."

"Karasu Cho, Son of Taka Cho and Kuki Cho. First Prince."

.:End - The Mantis:.

*Kirigirisu means "katydid"

**Tentochu means "ladybug"

***I don't know if I listed [Name]'s and Karasu's parents' names. If I did, PLEASE correct me! Thank you~

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