The Conflicts

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Itachi eventually pulled away and stared into [Name]'s eyes. They were wide and teary-eyed, as if she was scared. [Name] turned away in embarrassment, her [hair color] hair covering her face from Itachi.

"Ah- [Name]! Are you okay? I didn't mean to- I mean... Gomen!" Itachi did a bow, almost hitting his head against his knees. He felt happy to have kissed [Name], but he also felt ashamed to have startled her yet again. After about five seconds of holding that position, he looked up. [Name] still hadn't looked at him.

[Name] tried to choke back her tears. Why was she so afraid of this man all of a sudden? This was the man who guaranteed her brother's and her life if she joined the Akatsuki, wasn't he? Then, why was she crying?

Her tears still fell down and hit the dirt ground. Itachi saw this and panicked. "[Name], I really didn't mean to...startle you. I just didn't want your brother to know that we were here. He already has his suspicions." said Itachi. He reached out to touch her shoulder, but [Name] slapped it away.

"L-let's get this over with." [Name] said, with much greater courage than she really felt. Itachi frowned. 

"If you say so, [Name]-san." Itachi lead the way through the garden. [Name] followed, only a few paces behind. Her face was tear-stained.


Karasu pouted. "I was pretty sure that was my onee-chan. You saw her, too, right?" he said.

Ronome shook his head. "Not really. That guy blocked my view." He stared at Shisui's back. "Shisui, how come that guy had the same symbol on the back of his shirt like you? You guys are related?"

Shisui jolted a little. "Eh? Uh... Yeah, I guess... I mean, there are a lot of Uchihas, and sometimes we don't recognize each other..." he mumbled. Ronome looked confused at Shisui, but shrugged it off.

"At least we get a day off before we have to go to the academy, right?" Ronome chuckled. Karasu smiled.

"Actually, we've already decided that you two aren't going to the academy." Shisui said.

Karasu almost fell over. "What? But, I thought that was the reason. The Hokage said that we had to get training, yeah?" Karasu asked.

Shisui nodded. "Yes, but the Hato clan and the Cho clan each have a special power that only a few possess, similar to the Sharigan in the Uchiha clan. Only some are able to activate it and evolve it." Shisui pointed at a pink flower and a sturdy tree. "What do these two things have in common?"

"Err... They're both plants. And, living things." Ronome said.

"How are they different?"

Karasu crouched down. "The flower seems weaker and takes less effort to destroy than the tree." Karasu said bluntly, poking the soft, pink petals.

Shisui nodded. "But, together they make a garden. Whether one is weaker or stronger. The flower attracts more attention than a tree, too, since it is more beautiful, but the tree is the garden's back-up plan in case the flower dies out, still making the garden beautiful. The Hato and Cho clan are similar. They both are loyal to each other and make one big 'garden'. However, the Cho are more weak since there are less of them than the Hato, and are wanted more for their powers. In other words, the Hato are like the trees.

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