The Attack

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That evening, [Name] settled next to Itachi, discussing about tomorrow's plans. 'Don't get too comfortable, [Name].' [Name] thought. Itachi pointed at the training grounds on the map.

"I'm positive you know this place, but we'll be hiding in the nearby trees, evaluating your brother's and your friend's power." Itachi looked into [Name]'s [eye color] eyes. [Name] blushed and looked away, feeling blessed for the dim candlelight.

"Y-yeah... I guess so. Um... Do you know where they're staying?" she asked hesitantly, not like Itachi would know.

Itachi smiled. "Maybe at an inn or at Shisui's home. One of those." He continued to stare into her eyes. "Your eyes are so pretty." He sighed dreamily and leaned in, placing his head on [Name]'s shoulder. "And, you smell good."

[Name] was so ready to push him off, but she decided to enjoy this while she could. It wasn't like this mission of theirs would last forever. "Uh...I DO shower, ya know." she replied teasingly. Itachi chuckled;[Name] felt his breath on her chest.

"I know you do." He yawned. "Excuse me, but I'm really tired." He closed his eyes. "Mind if I close my eyes for a bit?" [Name] shook her head without realizing she did. Itachi smiled and whispered a small "Thank you," before falling asleep quietly.

[Name] stroked his head comfortingly before studying the map again once more. 'I'll have to watch my brother again in the distance...' [Name] frowned. She so desperately wanted to hold Karasu in her arms again, telling him that no one will hurt them ever again. But that would be a lie.


A far off, impossible fantasy.


Itachi woke up and flung his sheets to the side. He looked around, wondering where [Name] was when he realized that he was in his bedroom. Running a hand through his hair, Itachi decided to get up and get ready for today's mission. He hoped that [Name] knew the agenda.

He walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Spotting some eggs, he busily began cracking them onto a pan, wanting to surprise [Name] when she woke up... Wherever she was...

After a half-hour, Itachi smiled and wiped the sweat from his brow. He had finally made the perfect eggs-on-toast for [Name], and he was proud of it.

Eventually, [Name] appeared from the hallway, yawning and tired. "Good morning, [Name]." greeted Itachi.

[Name] looked up and saw that Itachi was in an frilly apron and made her breakfast. She blushed at the sudden shock that Itachi was so kind enough to cook her breakfast. "Th-thank you... You really didn't have to, Itachi..." she mumbled. [Name] stared from Itachi to the food and then back to Itachi.

Itachi smiled at her cute shyness and sat down at the table. "Go ahead. I made this for you." He folded his hands together and propped his elbows up on the table, placing his head in between them as if he was interested in seeing [Name] eat.

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