The New Beginning

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It was one of [Name]'s biggest fears. She dreaded the day where this would happen. But it had to. One day.

And today was it.

Karasu looked behind him and smiled. Shisui was next to him, waiting for a farewell from their departing friends. [Name] was watching, saddened and feeling lonely. Itachi was standing beside her. His arms were folded.

A gentle breeze and a warm sunset glazed the outside of the hidden chambers. "[Name]-chan, when I grow up and become stronger, I will definitely become less of a coward. I'll become a better man and protect you, too." Karasu said. He was bold, which was completely out of his usual quiet personality.

[Name] wanted to cry, but she couldn't. Instead, she smiled and waved good-bye to her departing brother. Karasu smiled softly and turned to follow Shisui back into Konoha. 

[Name]'s eyes widened. As Karasu was walking away, she saw the faint glow of black crow wings spreading out elegantly from his back. The farther he went, the larger and sturdier his wings became. A tear rolled out defiantly, but it didn't stop her.

"Grow strong! I want you to be strong!" she called.

Itachi and [Name] watched them walk away into the distance. "Karasu will become a strong man under Shisui's training. I became one because of him." He wrapped an arm around [Name]'s shoulder. She gently leaned into him.

"You'll still be my insurance, right?" she asked. "I still need you."

Itachi chuckled. "I always will be. But, I don't want you to suddenly leave from my side. You'll have to be next to me if you want me to be your insurance." 

[Name] turned away. "Thank you for taking care of me and Karasu. I wanted to thank you, but it would be too embarrassing to say it in front of those two."

The Uchiha man saw the slight tint of pink brushed on her cheeks. He led her back into the underground chambers, and together they sat in the dim light of a weakened flame.

"Do you think those two shinobi will come back? For us?" [Name] asked. She was huddled up near the flame. Itachi shrugged.

"I'm sure they'd come back once they have their tactics together. They'll come back stronger and more devious than before with even more surprise attacks."

"What about Buki and Ronome? Are they safe?"

"I'm sure they fled, too. Ronome will have to be careful, though. He is a Hato, and the Hato and Cho clans are very close. Buki will surely train Ronome properly. She is wise."

[Name] looked at the ground. "I'm too worried. I mean, I feel like I lost Karasu. He's not going to be the cute baby brother I once knew and had. He'll come back as a grown man and maybe even surpass me." She sighed. "Itachi, how did you cope with this? The changing of letting your brother grow up?"

Itachi leaned back until he was laying down. He gestured to [Name], so that she could cuddle next to him. She did and snuggled closely.

"I didn't want Sasuke to grow up. I didn't want him to become corrupted and evil like most men. I wanted to protect him from the world because that was my duty as the older sibling. I was a shield to protect the younger generation. He eventually got mad at me, saying I didn't love him enough to let him live and do 'real' shinobi training with Shisui.

"It's really funny, actually. Looking back at it, I still want Sasuke to be forever young. But when he decided it was his time to grow and become a man, I let him. It was hard for this sudden change, but I learned to accept it. You should embrace this new beginning."

[Name] nodded. "I will. I just don't want to see him suffer through adulthood."


Kamakiri Satsujin was looking out at the lonely, but lovely sunset. It was everything he wanted, but nothing he had. His two reliable twin assassins came back injured. Mitsubachi was waiting with the Satsujin clan leader.

"We have failed, Satsujin-san. We deeply regret this, especially Suzumebachi. He truly feels unworthy to be called one of the best in your sights." 

Kamakiri looked back at the pathetic shinobi. He walked over to him and stood in front of him. He looked down at Mitsubachi's silver* hair.

He kicked the ninja to the side, causing him to collide with the smooth green tile floor. "Pathetic. You piece of shit! You are unworthy! You and your brother have killed many, yet you are unable to kill TWO clan members!" He continued to kick at Mitsubachi, who endured the pain.

"You're a failure! A FAILURE! You don't need to exist! You are useless. Twins are forbidden, wicked, evil! You and your brother should have died with the rest of your clan! Without me, you'd be nothing, but a cursemark to the world!

"But, you swore loyalty to me! ME, the ultimate ruler of the Satsujin clan! I saved you! You need to obey what I order! I'm the reason you're alive! Treat me like a god!"

Kamakiri was breathing heavily after his abusive rant. Mitsubachi was bleeding, but his face remained monotonous.

"Get on your feet, and come here." Kamakiri ordered. Mitsubachi slowly got up like he was told to. His balance was a little off.

"Come here." Mitsubachi followed the clan leader to his usual "throne."

"It's just the start of a new beginning. That's all." He lifted Mitsubachi's chin and gently pecked on his lips.**

"That is an oath on our loyalty to one another. You and your brother will obey me, and I will protect you."

Mitsubachi kissed Kamakiri back before he left the room.

It was only a new start.

.:End - The New Beginning:.

Author's Note: *I don't recall describing the Bachi Brothers' hair color yet, so I decided to make it silver. (If I'm wrong, please correct me!)

**Kamakiri is openly bisexual. This isn't anything homosexual or yaoi, though. This is just his way of forming a contract because one cannot forget a kiss. (I haven't kissed anyone, but I'm pretty sure everyone remembers their first kiss or something like a kiss, right?)

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