The Tears

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Karasu's eyes widened. "Why didn't you tell me, Onee-chan!" Karasu shrieked. Tears welled in his eyes. 

"Karasu, I'm so sor-" [Name] was interrupted with Karasu's sudden words.

"Why didn't you tell me I had a brother?" he said loudly. Itachi stifled a laugh. [Name] looked confused. Was Karasu confusing Itachi as some mysterious older brother?

Before she could explain, Itachi had suddenly disappeared into a cloud of smoke. "Itachi!" [Name] reached out towards the puff of nothingness. 

The man with the green fox mask was still there, only a log remained. 'What the- Itachi used a simple substitution jutsu!' [Name] thought. The man in the green mask chuckled softly.

"Silly Uchiha. To think I wasn't aware of this." The man wrapped an arm around [Name]'s neck, temporarily choking her. "Finish off the boy if you must, Suzume." he said.

The man threw his kunai up in the air and caught it gracefully, pointing its dangerous tip towards Karasu's forehead. "Yes, Mitsu." 

As Suzume disappeared with [Name], Mitsu chuckled softly. "I'd like to kill you, but there's so many people around." he said into Karasu's ear. "It's going to be very difficult with...her." He pointed at Buki.

She was already prepped for any kind of attack. Ronome was behind her, wielding a rather large shuriken with paper bombs attached to it.

Ronome looked scared, but he had a definite fire in his eyes. He was determined to save his friend. Karasu lost everything, so Ronome was there to make sure he didn't lose his life.

Buki looked back at Ronome and nodded. "Keep your guard!" Ronome nodded and glared at Suzume.

"Tch... I have always hated brats like you." His usual formality was gone now. "Washi-sama must be angry as well. I didn't expect such annoying people to exist." He quickly wrapped Karasu in a tight entanglement.

Buki gasped. "That jutsu! It's forbidden! Nobody has ever done that jutsu since the fatal accident centuries ago!" Although she was surprised, she didn't falter. She knew what she had to do.

"Fuu, fuu... You are educated after all. Of course, I've mastered many dangerous and illegal jutsus, but this one just happens to be a specialty that I have developed throughout the years." Suzume chuckled. Slowly, he took off his mask. 

His face was beautiful, if anything, flawless. Perfect porcelain skin, white as snow, and soft silver hair. His eyes, though, were as demonic as his  actions. His left eye was red, and his right eye was orange. Yellow pupils sat in the middle of his blazing orbs.  His extraordinary lips curled into a devilish smile.

"I call this jutsu 'Bakudan Bachi Motsure'!" He threw up his hands in excitement. "Only I could create something so deadly, so efficient that the entire world would fall into Kamakiri-san's hands!" 

Suzume's eyes widened as a sharp pain grew in his side. A warm feeling traveled throughout his body. Buki hadn't noticed it, but Ronome had left her side and stabbed the villain with his weapon.

"Don't you say that! Never say that! You aren't the best, and you'll never take over the world!" Tears were flowing out of his eyes. Karasu was the best thing that had ever happened to him; Ronome wasn't ready to lose him now.

"I pity the ignorant." Suzume said bluntly. He smacked Ronome away, flinging him several feet away. Buki glared at Suzume.

"I might as well explode the place. I've had enough of pests. Besides, I'll be killing two birds with one stone." He looked at Karsu and smiled happily. He lifted his hands. A mysterious tattoo gleamed brightly from the back of his hand, and a thundering sound began to emerge from the forest.

A large and heavy swarm of hornets, bees, and wasps flew towards Karasu and positioned themselves around him. Their stingers were aimed at Karasu. 

'How am I going to survive this?' Karasu looked around, but could not see anything from the fluttering insects.

The tattoo glowed so brightly it was like another sun. Suzume threw his arm down, and the insects flew towards Karasu. Karasu knew it was over for him. He closed his eyes, preparing himself for the harsh pain.

Seconds passed by painlessly, and Karasu was sure he was dead. In death, you didn't feel pain at all. He opened his eyes, ready to go to the bright white light, but instead he saw his sister. "[Name]! How- What-" He stuttered, but shut his mouth.

[Name] smiled. She was concentrating. Sweat fell from her temples. Around them was a large box, protecting them from the dangers outside.

Karasu immediately recognized that the box was made of chakra. "[Name]!" [Name] only smiled.

"Only a little longer. Please, bear with me." She smiled that comforting smile of hers; the one that Karasu was fond of the most. He nodded.

He watched from within the box as a midnight blur dashed around the forcefield. The insects were gone and on the ground below. They were useless and dead without their stingers. 'A suicide mission', Karasu noted.

He saw Buki run away with Ronome into the forest, heading to Konoha. He looked for Shisui. He spotted him next to the fast-moving blur.

"Nii-san?" He gasped. He didn't know what his name was, but he had called him "brother". [Name] groaned, exhaustion taking over her. She was about to give up soon.

Karasu glanced around quickly. He saw Suzume bleeding heavily and the other male, the one called Mitsu, surrounded by the daring men.

"This is not over. We, Bachi brothers, will come back and kill the Cho later." Mitsu took his bleeding brother and vanished from sight.

Just as Shisui and Itachi approached the two siblings, [Name] collapsed. Her breathing was shallow. Karasu looked up at his "Nii-san". He hiccupped.

Tears fell from his eyes. He cried happily for the first time.

.:End - The Tears:.

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