The Truth

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Karasu had followed the two strange men into an underground, unknown chamber in Konoha. The one he called "Nii-san" was the one who was carrying his beloved sister. He was quiet, except for the occasional hiccuping. 

"Hey, you did very good, Karasu." Shisui said. He stumbled slightly, and Karasu came to his side, preventing him from falling over. Shisui was beaten up pretty badly, and Karasu was sure that one of his legs were already broken.

"No. I failed. I couldn't protect anyone. I couldn't even unlock the Cho family secret technique. I'm useless..." Karasu managed a chuckle. "It's also really pathetic... The way I'm thinking now. It's so dumb. [Name] is now exhausted because she protected me. You're broken inside, and Nii-san is hurt, too. Buki and Ronome are gone and injured. I'm perfectly fine! Just a few scratches, but everyone else sacrificed their lives for me!"

Shisui patted Karasu's back. "Hey, you're important and have a goal to accomplish. We all do, but you're all of ours number one priority." He smiled.

Itachi opened a door. "We'll stay here and rest up. Shisui, we'll examine you first." he ordered. Karasu led Shisui to the examination table.

Itachi placed [Name] into the second one in the room. "She will be all right. [Name] just passed out because of fatigue and chakra loss." said Itachi, noticing Karasu's troubled face.

Shisui smiled and yawned, stretching in the process. "Can I just fall asleep here, Itachi? It's nice and cool and dark..."

"Are you an idiot? You may be older, but you lack common sense." Itachi rolled up his sleeves and propped Shisui's leg up. "Let me see. Tell me if it hurts."

Itachi began to pull on the muscle and bone of Shisui's leg. Shisui groaned. "That hurts. Don't make it worse, Itachi."

"I'm relaxing your muscles, so calm down."

Karasu fidgeted while watching Shisui wriggle in pain. "Umm... Nii-san, how do you know [Name]-chan?" he asked. He knew it was not a favorable moment, but he wanted to know before they left again. He didn't want to stay clueless again or forever.

Itachi stopped and looked at the scared boy. "Oh. Well, I am not sure if I should tell you." Karasu looked away and was about to apologize.

"Ow-! Itachi, Karasu already is in danger. He knows that, so you should tell him." Shisui propped himself up, wincing as the slightest movement would send waves of pain throughout his body.

The solemn man looked down and figured things out quickly in his head. "I will tell you, but I'm not sure your sister would forgive me."

Karasu jumped up. "Why? I just wanna know why she left and those guys and!" He said everything all a little too quickly.

Itachi wrapped Shisui's leg tightly with cloth before he turned to face the young shinobi-in-training. He leaned forward and closed his eyes, concentrating on the main points he should talk about.

He sighed. "I don't want to startle you, Karasu. But, you know that you're in much danger. Those two men are unknown to us, but we know that they are targeting you and your sister."

"But why? Is it because we're special like what Hokage-sama said? Because of the bad history created between the two clans?" Karasu was suddenly eager to explain what the Fifth Hokage told him.

Itachi nodded. "I would assume that is why since they wanted to kill you so badly. They wouldn't give up this fight, even letting one of them get harmed so badly. Usually, they'd flee before risking an attack in order to confuse their opponents more, especially if it is a random attack like this one.

"Moving on, though. Karasu. Your sister left to join the Akatsuki, the organization in Konoha that secretly protects all villages. She left in order to protect you, hoping that the Akatsuki would also be able to protect you from the arising enemy."

"Then, are you... Why did [Name]-chan come to you? Who are you?" Karasu tried to not sound afraid and scared, but he was. He tried not to break into tears about his sister, but he was sensitive about this situation.

Itachi gave a sympathetic, brotherly smile at him. "I'm your beloved sister's insurance. She came to my organization, so that I could protect you and her. She wanted you to be safe from all evil in the world. This is why she left so unexpectedly. To keep you away from harm while she can fight the enemy. Your sister is a very strong person who thinks she can handle all causes and events, but she needs someone to lean on."

Reaching out his arms, he grabbed Karasu and held him tight. "I'm in love with [Name], and I'm not going to let her suffer alone. That's why I will continue to be in both of your lives."

Karasu nodded. "O-okay. [Name]-chan needs you... So, help her. I'll train with Shisui and get stronger to protect you, too."

Shisui, who was listening to every second of their conversation, chuckled. "Itachi, I guess Karasu is telling you that you and [Name] should leave. We'll come back when he's a better shinobi, right?"


[Name] woke with a startle. "Ah! Karasu! Itachi, where is-!"Itachi looked up from his crouched position on the floor. Karasu was sitting across from him with a cute, small grin plastered on his face. 

"Hello, [Name]-chan. Itachi went out to buy some food. Are you hungry? Or hurt?" Karasu stood and handed [Name] a pickled plum onigiri. She took it, nodded her thanks, and began to take off the plastic covering.

Karasu sat next to her and placed his head on her shoulder. "[Name]-chan?"

[Name] looked down at him. "Yes?"

Her little brother squeezed her tightly. "I know a lot of things now, so... I'll get stronger, so that I can also protect you. I know the truth."

.:End - The Truth:.

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