The Ramen Guy

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"I'm so tired..." yawned Ronome. Karasu smiled tiredly at his friend.

"Huh- Gomen, but how much longer is it before we arrive in Konahagakure, er....?" Karasu blushed a little, embarrassed that he'd forgotten his escort's name.

"It's Shisui, Karasu-kun. And, we should be arriving soon. We'll get lunch at Ichiraku Ramen. It's a popular ramen shop near the village entrance." the escort said. He pointed towards the horizon. "There's the Hokage monument over there. That's where all of the deceased Hokages' faces are carved. It's unique to Konaha, isn't it?"

Karasu smiled. "Yeah. I want to live in Konaha and become a strong Hokage, so I can protect my onee-chan!" he said.

Ronome chuckled. "You're a real dreamer, Karasu." Karasu flushed.

"That's nothing bad." Shisui said. He turned his head back for a moment. "Hey, Karasu-kun? Who is your 'onee-chan'?" 

The young boy thought of all of the wonderful things his older sister has done for him in the past."Her name is [Name]. She's very strong and kind, but she left a week ago and hasn't come back since. I really hope she did mean a week. I don't want her to be severely injured, so I wanna train in Konahagakure to bring her home."

Shisui rubbed his chin. '[Name]... Is that why Hokage-san-' Shisui stopped himself. He'd have to see what the Hokage really meant.


Shisui moved the entrance flap of the ramen shop. "Hey, you guys. Come in." Ronome and Karasu entered. An old man greeted them.

"Hello there. New ones, eh, Shisui?"

"Yes, Teuchi-san. This is Karasu. And, this is Ronome Hato." Shisui said, gesturing to the two small boys next to him.

Teuchi studied them over, rubbing his chin in the same process. "Hato, huh?" He bent over the counter and stared into Ronome's eyes. Ronome, who was caught off guard, flinched.

"I used to know your father. He used to eat here before he became a father and when he was doing various missions in Konaha. Kazuo Hato..." Teuchi said, pulling back. He smiled at Ronome. "Anyways, ramen's on me today since you all are new here. Think of it as a welcoming gift."

Shisui gestured for the two boys to sit down at the counter while Teuchi was getting their ramen. "So, how old are you guys?" he asked.

"I'm thirteen, and Karasu's almost thirteen." Ronome said. Karasu nodded.

Shisui smiled. "Oh, that's good. It's all right, Karasu. Lots of kids your age attend the academy. However, you two won't be going there."

"Where are we going?" Karasu asked. Shisui rubbed his chin.

"I think it's the Hokage's place." A man sitting behind Shisui snorted.

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