The Insurance

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Shisui chuckled as he exited the bonsai garden. "That was just a small lesson back there. The real training will be much more brutal." Karasu looked out into the distance. 

"Who will teach me if my clan is nearly wiped out? And, what about Ronome, Shisui?" Karasu asked, looking worried about every single thing concerning his training.

Shisui closed his eyes for a bit. "I believe there were some scrolls given that held your clan's special jutsus, but there aren't a lot because your clan's power is to create something out of nothing. Logically, your clan wouldn't have a special jutsu for every weapon, and only a few were actually recorded."

Karasu bit his lip. "So, how many jutsus will I learn overall?"

"We have about ten scrolls, but your uncle-you remember him, right? He has most of them memorized, but he's still in hiding. And, Ronome, there is a very elderly woman who will teach you your clan's special techniques." Shisui explained.

Ronome yawned. "So, that'll start tomorrow? I wanna get started already. We've seen pretty much every inch of Konoha."

Shisui flinched, feeling the close presence of Itachi and [Name] nearby. "Err... We'll head outside of town to a training ground where the elderly woman and scrolls will be." He quickly pushed the two children to the opposite side of the street to avoid Itachi.

"I think we were too close..." Itachi mumbled. [Name] rolled her eyes. She didn't want to speak to him.


Two twins knelt down in front of their clan leader. The clan leader smiled. "That's cute. You two are wearing almost identical outfits."

"Kamakiri-san, why have you called us?" the first twin asked, keeping his head down.

"You hardly call for our presence." the second one said, holding his position.

The clan leader, Kamakiri, chuckled. He was young, which was quite unusual for this well-known clan, and tossed his olive-green bangs haughtily. "My, my... I believe that you know exactly why I called you here. It dates back to three hundred years ago where our great-great-great-great grandfather, Washi Satsujin, declared revenge on the Hato clan, Cho clan, and his brother's family. He lost almost everything, as you know, and anger took its place. He ordered that his successor in the next three hundred years will fulfill his duty and restore all pride to the Satsujin."

The two twins looked up. "I suppose that you wish that we destroy these clans?" the first one asked.

"However, are the Cho clan not completely destroyed?" the second twin asked.

Kamakiri gestured his hands, so that the twins stood up. "I've had the last family nearly demolished, but their children still dwell. Their inhabitants are unknown, but we know they are still alive. They are the last two remaining Cho bloodline." He pointed at the first one. "Mitsubachi-" he pointed at the second one, "Suzumebachi, you are to find these two  brats and kill them."

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