Thirty One // Toothy Grins.

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I knew that us getting back to that place wasn't going to be easy, I was scared as hell and I knew that I would be. I would be lying if I said that the miscarriage hadn't changed me or how I saw things but it had. It had changed me completely and I honestly didn't think that I would ever get that piece of me back. I remember having that conversation with the girls about how Calum and I hadn't been active at all and now that I think about it, I couldn't believe I even thought that I would be ready back then because I was in the worst place possible and sex would of only made that worse so I was glad that I didn't take their advice and try anything, but now I think that I was finally least ready to try.

"Just so we're clear.." Calum rubs at his temples. "Is this about us not spending anytime together or is this about you just wanting attention?" My mouth drops as soon as those words come out of his mouth. Was he actually serious? He thought I just wanted attention? I'll admit that some attention from Calum would be great but honestly all I wanted was some time with him, we still had things to talk about and to work on but he hasn't been here and that is my main problem, our intimacy problem would take a lot more time and I already knew that.

"I can't believe you actually just asked me that." I mutter shaking my head as stand from the table. I walk towards the door but stop just before and turn to look at Calum. "I'm sorry that I miss you." I say before walking out and going upstairs. All I wanted was to have one day where Calum didn't do any work and actually spent some time with me, I didn't think that that was being needy or attention seeking but apparently I was wrong. I didn't understand how things that were so simple could be so complicated but then again with Calum and I that was never the case.

We seemed to have a talent at making things way more complicated then they ever needed to be.


"Hi!!" I beam at Kirsty and Tommy after I've opened the front door. About half an hour ago I had gotten a worrying call from Kirsty. It turns out that Bobby had gotten some sort of bug and was extremely sick and Kirsty asked if there was anyway that I could watch Tommy for a couple of hours or possibly the night which of course I was more then happy to do, He was my nephew after all.

"Genieee!!" Tommy cheers rushing over to tackle me in a hug. I still couldn't believe how big he now was, I still remember cradling him my arms just hours after he was born and now three years later here we were, Time really did fly by.

"How's my favourite nephew." I coo picking him up to return his hug.

"I'm your only nephew." Tommy points out and I have to stop myself from laughing, He was a smart kid, He must get that from me.

"You are indeed." I smile at him before meeting Kirsty's frantic eyes. "How you doing?" I ask her and she gives me a tired smile.

"I'm okay." Kristy lets out a small laugh. "Exhausted after running around for my boys but other then that great."

"Well good." I grin at her as I put Tommy down. "So do you know if you want me to have him for the night?" I ask, I really didn't mind having Tommy for the night especially if it was going to help them out, I knew that they didn't want Tommy to get whatever Bobby had.

"Not yet but i'll let you know soon alright? I packed a bag for him just in case, He likes to sleep with his lion and he's not allowed any water after seven-"

"And he's suppose to be in bed by seven thirty and he's allergic to beetroot." I interrupt her. "It's okay if he has to stay okay? He'll be perfectly fine." I assure her.

"Right, you're right." Kirsty shakes her head. "He just usually stays with your parents but they're away at the moment and I wasn't sure if this would be too much for you." Kirsty says giving me a sad smile and I know exactly what she was talking about. I hadn't been able to see Tommy for quite awhile after the miscarriage, It just hurt too much but now I was perfectly fine with it.

"I know but I'm good, I promise." I tell her. "Now go deal with that brother of mine."

"Will do." Kirsty smiles before crouching down to Tommy. "You're going to hang out with Aunty Genie and Uncle Calum for a little while okay? And you might need to stay the night..."

"The night? Yay!" Bobby claps in excitement. It had been a long time since he had stayed with Calum and I, Speaking of Calum, I hadn't talked to him since our great conversation this morning but I'm sure he was around here somewhere because I hadn't heard him leave.

"Right. Now you be good okay? And I'll see you very soon. I love you Tommy." Kirsty gives Tommy a hug and Kisses all over face causing Bobby to groan at her affection which I found insanely cute. "Thank you, You're a lifesaver." Kirsty tell me as she hands me Tommy's bag.

"Anytime, Tell Bobby I hope he gets better soon." I tell her as she hugs Tommy once more.

"Okay." Kirsty mutters giving me a quick hug before making her way back to my sick brother.

"Walker!" Tommy yells happily rushing over to my other favourite boy who seemed just as happy to see Tommy as Tommy was to see him. As I shut the door Calum walks in to the lounge looking surprised to see Tommy.

"We're watching him because Bobby is sick." I tell him placing Tommy's bag on the couch. Calum nods in response as Tommy drags his attention from Walker to look at Calum.

"Uncle Cal!" Tommy yells running over to Calum who's eyes had already lit up at the sight of my nephew. "Hey there Tominator." Calum grins before him and Tommy do their top secret handshake that they had made up months ago.

"I'm hanging out with you two." Tommy points out .

"You are?! Well then what do you want to do?" Calum asks and Tommy thinks about it for a minute it or two before an idea clearly goes off in that little brain of his.

"Can we watch transformers while building transformers?" Tommy asks and I can't help but smile. Tommy had a crazed obsession with all things Transformers and Calum loved to feed that obsession whenever he could.

"That sounds like the best idea ever." Calum grins adoringly at Tommy which pulls on my heart strings just a little. I both hated and loved how good he was with little kids.

"I'm gonna make some snacks." I announce. I was happy that Tommy couldn't pick up on the tension that was clearly going on between Calum and I at the moment, I knew kids could pick up on certain things but this wasn't exactly the first time Calum and I had been in a fight and then had to watch Tommy, We were pretty great at putting things aside for this little boy and couldn't help but think that we would be like that with our kids, if we ever have any that is.

"Okay I'll get everything set up here." Calum says giving me a small nod to which I nod in response before going off to the kitchen.

A couple of hours later we had all reached our limit of all things transformers, So the boys were now currently building one of Calum's great blanket forts for us to sleep in since Tommy would indeed be spending the night with us, I really hoped that what Bobby had was just some sort of twenty-four bug and that by tomorrow he would be perfectly fine, I'm sure that's what it probably was but sometimes it was hard to say.

"How's it going in there?" I ask in amusement at the pile of blankets coming up in the lounge.

"Good!" Tommy yells. "But it's not ready yet." I smile at Tommy's words and I can't help but think about a few minutes earlier how he had given me instructions to not enter the fort until it was done. Calum had agreed with him of course and said something about how perfection takes time.

"Okay well I'll be in the kitchen until you two are done." I tell them before going to the kitchen with Walker trailing behind. My guess was that he didn't want any part of what the boys were doing or that he was going to try and coax a second dinner from me. The second option was probably more realistic though he did seem a little concerned at what the boys were currently doing.

While I wait for the boys I clean the kitchen a little bit and also make myself a cup of tea, It wasn't exactly too late for coffee but strangely for me tea seemed like the better option for now. My mind begins to go through the list of things my mother still wanted answered for the wedding, I did need Calum's input for most of them but something told me that this wasn't the best time for wedding talk.

I'm not sure how much time passes before Calum comes wandering in to the kitchen, I had honestly just sat at the table a little spaced out, My head felt so over the place and I wasn't sure what I needed to do to change that, actually no. I knew exactly what I needed to do.

"Genie." Calum calls getting my attention.

"Sorry. What?" I raise my eyebrows at him before standing from chair and taking my cup over to the sink to rinse it out.

"Tommy sent me in here to let you know that the fort is now complete and you can finally enter." Calum tells me humour clear in his voice, he was obviously trying to lighten the mood between us but honestly it would take a lot more then that.

"I figured." I nod turning to look at him. He looks at me for a minute before letting out a sigh.

"I'm sorry about this morning, I was tired and took it out on you which was wrong." Calum says and I stand there staring at him. I really didn't have anything to say to that, I know he was tired but that wasn't my fault and he's damn right it was 'wrong' of him to take that out on me. "And I get what you're saying about me being at work so much and I want that to change so Luke and I decided to hire an assistant or something like that to help with the work load."My ears instantly perk at Calum's little announcement. I was surprised to say the least but also happy at the news that I should be able to spend a little more time with my fiancee.

"Really?" I question him and he nods before walking over to me.

"Really." Calum smiles placing his hands on either side of the bench so that I was trapped.

"Thank you." I tell him bringing my hands up to cup his cheeks. "I just want more time with you okay? That doesn't mean we have to spend every minute of every day together but more then five minutes a day would be great." I grin and Calum lets out a snort.

"More then five minutes a day would be ideal."

"Uh huh." I nod then press my lips to his softly. As sad as it sounds I really couldn't remember the last time I had even kissed him on the actual lips, He had been really in to forehead and cheek kisses as of late which funnily enough reminded me of our 'fake dating' days when Michael would give us crap for not actually kissing on the lips for more then five seconds.

Calum's the one to pull away which doesn't surprise me but does disappointment me just a little.

"As much as I would love to make out with you right now, We have a three year old out there who is bursting at the seams to show his aunty our super awesome blanket fort." Calum says and I can't help smile.

"Right." I nod dropping my hands from his cheeks. "Alright take me to see this 'super awesome' blanket fort." I say in a mocking tone and Calum shoots me a fake glare.

"Don't mock my mad fort making skills okay,Besides I thought that's why you agreed to marry me?"

"Oh no you're right, That's definitely why I'm marrying you." I laugh before grabbing his hands and removing them from the bench. "Come on." I grin at him as I walk towards the lounge.

"Tommy! I'm coming in." I announce as I crawl in to the blanket fort which as far as blanket forts go was pretty awesome.

"What do you think?!" Tommy asks looking hyped. His big blue eyes that he had gotten from our side of the family were wide with excitement and it was the most adorable thing ever.

"I think it's probably the best blanket fort ever!" I tell him as Calum joins us. He has a cocky smirk on his face and I roll my eyes at him before smiling. I was glad that he came and apologized because he was honestly so hard to be mad at, Those puppy like eyes got me every time and I couldn't deny it.

A/N: After going back and fourth with it for what seemed like forever when in reality it was just a couple of months, I have officially decided that Thursday will be the official update day for The Baby Project. I'm going to do my best to give you a chapter every week on every Thursday! I don't know how well that will go but I guess I'll find out, I hope you will all prefer having an actual update day instead of having to wait for me to update.

Now I don't know if any of you have really noticed but Claudia has not been featured in this as much as The Boyfriend Project and that's basically because her character was based off of one of my friends who I am no longer friends with anymore, And I find it hard to write about her in a 'Positive' light so yeah that's why in case any of you were wondering! She'll still be involved every now and then but I don't consider her a 'main' character anymore but that just means I get to bring in a few more characters who spice things up ;)

The Baby Project. C.H. (A.U.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat