Imagine - Dean/Cas x Reader

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For @TenaciousToasty 

You walk into an old, abandoned house. Well, not abandoned, not anymore. You tracked a nest of vamps down to Nebraska and you finally located where their nest was living. You open the trunk to your 1969 Black Plymouth Roadrunner and pull out two machetes (Its always good to be prepared) and stick one in to holster attached to your belt, the other one in hand as well as a gun. You walk in and see them all sleeping in hammocks as it is day time.

You've already decapitated four sleeping vamps when the door slams open and three tall men walk in, waking all of the vampires. You weave between the hammocks to get out of the middle of the waking vamps. One vamp jumps in front of you and you swing your machete, cutting off his head. You see the other two men chopping off some vamp's heads and the other, well smiting them. Angel, you think.

You continue your way through the vamps and make your way to the alpha vamps room. You kick the door in and see her trying to open the window. You walk closer and she turns around hearing you in her room. She turns around and punches you in the face. "You son of a bitch!" You yell at her spitting blood at her. You grip your machete and swing at her, nicking her neck. She hisses at you and you swing again, this time slicing her collar bone.

The vamp jumps on you and successfully knocks the machete out of your hand, pinning it down. She begins taunting you, saying how you'd be a great addition to her "family". You slowly reach down and take your extra machete out of the holster, and swing it up at her neck, decapitating her. Blood splatters on your face and the headless body falls beside you. You push her off and get up, still hearing the boys fighting. You sigh, How hard is it to ice a nest of vamps, You ask yourself.

You walk into the room and see a vamp hovering over one of the men, knocked out and about to be killed. You run up behind the vamp and decapitate it. You continue to help the men kill the last of the nest.

You breath heavily chopping the head off of the last vampire. You collect yourself and stand up seeing a man trying to wake up the sleeping giant and the man in a trench coat staring at you with his head tilted. You pull out your gun and point it at the angel cocking it. You know it wont kill him but it gets everyone's attention. "What the fuck are you doing here?" You yell at them. "Do you know just how much harder you idiots made this hunt?" you ask moving the gun to point at a tall man with candy apple green eyes and light freckles. He starts trying to explain himself, not used to being yelled at by anyone other than Bobby, Ellen, and his Dad.

You sigh uncocking your gun and moving towards the tall man. The shorter man moves in front to him to block him from you. "Oh, move over Princess." You sigh pushing through him. You hear a gun cock behind you head but you pay it no mind. You grab the mans wrist and check for a pulse, then you push his long, shaggy hair out of his face and put the back of your hand on his forehead. "Where are you staying?" You turn to face the men behind you. Both looking at you like you've grown another head. "Well?" You ask.

"S-Starlight Motel," the answers stumbling over his words. You look over to the angel, "Could you get him back to his room, Angelface?"

"Of course," He says stepping towards the knocked out man. You turn to walk back to the alpha vamps room when the angel stops you. "How did you know i was an angel?" He asks.

"Trust me Angelface, I've been around enough dick angels to know what's what and who's who. Also," You stay," You were smiting these sons of bitches like there's no tomorrow." You smirk at him and turn around.

"Be right back," you say to no one in particular and run back into the vamp's room to retrieve your machete. You walk back out, putting a machete in it's holster and walk right past the men to go to your car. You turn around to see the green eyed man staring at you. You assume the angel brought the tall one back. "You just gonna stare there Princess or are we going back to the motel?" you ask and then jump into your car and pull away.

You pull into the motel and park your baby and get out seeing the man pull into the spot nest to yours. "So," you say as he gets out of his car. "Whats your name Princess?" You ask him, startling him, he's usually the one to say that. "Dean Winchester," He stumbles over his words.

"And that's your brother?" you ask and he nods. "Nice to finally meet you." You smile at him. "Bobby's told me a lot about you guys," You tell him. "Team Free Will, he calls you." You laugh lightly and look at him. He looks... startled to lay the least. "Alright, which room is yours?" You ask pulling a medical kit out of your trunk. He looks at you and then leads you to a room and opens the door.

You walk in and see Sam on the bed and Castiel standing next to him. You walk into the room and look at the angel. "Let me fix him up Angelface, you don't look too good," You tell Castiel.

You walk over to Sam and sit on his bed. "He needs stitches," You say out loud. You pull a needle and string out of the kit. "I need whiskey."

A few hours later you and Sam are talking about the hunt, previous hunts, Bobby, Dean, Castiel, anything. You are sitting with him making sure that he doesn't have a concussion or anything. You made a friend in Sam. Think of his as your little brother really, as you are 5 years older than him. You get up to go get some ice from the machine outside for Sam. When you step outside you hear Princess and Angelface arguing and stay by the door for a minute to eavesdrop.

"She likes me Cas!" Dean whisper yells.

"Dean, Y/N shows signs of attraction to me. She knows my name yet she calls me 'Angelface'. I'm sure that is a flirtation." Castiel tells Dean.

"Well... she calls me Princess." Dean trails off.

You listen to them argue for another minute about who you like more when you remember why you came out here in the first place. You walk out into the open like you didn't hear anything at all and both men suddenly get quite. You giggle at their flustered faces and get the ice. "What were you two taking about?" You ask them innocently.

"Nothing!" Dean defends.

You laugh to yourself, "Okay. I think Sam will be okay but I'm staying overnight just to make sure." You get an idea. When you get the ice in a bag and start walking back to the room, you stop in front of them and kiss them both on the cheek and then walk back you their room like nothing happened, smirking all the while.

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