"What the the busiest part of your house?" He continued.

"That would be the living room and the kitchen area. Those are the places where you can always find someone." Nathan said.

"Are there any places, where it is just off limits to each other?" He asked.

"Well when doors are shut we are supposed to knock, but that doesn't happen." Max said.

"The bathrooms are really the only safe place." Siva finished. He was right. They really were. I then felt Nathan grab my hand.

"I have noticed that nearly all of you have a girlfriend, which couple are the worst to be around?" He asked again. I wasn't really liking these questions.

"I think that Macey and Nathan are pretty good. They seem to not be too gross. It is a mix between Max and Cara and Tom and Kelsey." Jay said.

"What do you mean?" Cara asked him.

"Well you two look at each other and can have a conversation, with out words. That really annoys me. Meanwhile, Tom and Kelsey seem to not know what bedrooms are for." Jay explained. We all laughed and I saw Kelsey blush, a little.

"Seems like we are at the end of the group questions. Let's get started with the individual ones." Mike said. I squeezed Nathan's hand tight and he let out a small moan.

"Hey, calm down." He told me. We then got off of the stage and I saw that they were taking the stools out of the back round.

"Oh my god. Who is going first? Please tell me that it isn't us." I told Nathan. He stood in front of me and grabbed my shoulders.

"It is not us. It is Cara and Max. Do you want to watch them?" He asked me. I looked over to see that Mike was getting a paper, for them.

"Maybe." I told Nathan. He then pulled me into his body. I sighed and started to relax.

"Is she okay?" Siva asked Nathan. I looked up at Siva and he smiled at me.

"I will be, I think. I really don't know." I told him. He chuckled and looked at Max and Cara.

We watched the two of them. It was interesting to see their reactions. Cara told him about her cuts. She told him everything. Max then told him about what he thought of her. He then asked something about her thinking that she was ugly and she agreed with him. Max, of course, told him that he didn't think that. Then their interview was over. The two of them then got off of the stage and walked over to us.

"That got a little deep and personal." Cara commented. We agreed with her and I watched the Parkers go on the couch. Mike did almost the same with them. He started asking Tom questions. Then he asked if they adopted, because Kelsey couldn't have kids. Kelsey shot that rumor down. She explained that they fell in love with Emer and that they wanted to be her family. That was it. They were going to try to have kids later, but Emer needed a home, at the moment. He then asked Emer what she thought of it. She told him that she already was calling them "Mom" and "Dad" and that she felt like she belonged with them. Their interview was just sweet and heartfelt.

"That was nice." I heard Nathan say. I looked at him and smiled. The people then called Jay and Siva to the couch. I started to get really nervous. Mike confirmed that Siva had a girlfriend that couldn't be there. He then started to ask them questions about Cara, Emer, and me. They answered truthfully. Emer then came up, in the middle and sat between them.

"What are you doing here?" Mike asked her. She smiled and looked at Jay.

"Jay and I are best friends. He looked nervous, so I am here to help him. Don't mind me." She said. The guys laughed and I smiled really big.

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