a drive

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A few weeks past, and I had already packed up, I was going to leave today to go back to work. Back to Cardiff, my mum was driving me, I remember last time when I was heading up, I was so exited, and nervous at the same time. That was before I met Matt of course, I seemed so soon. But here I am, getting ready to return to the studios for my second series. I was plonked down on the sofa in the living room, watching a bit of TV. My suitcase and bags were by the front door, which I would pack into the car when we left. It was early in the morning, so Katie was still in bed. Dad was in the kitchen along with mum finishing his breakfast. I didn't feel like having any right now, which I knew I would regret later.

I was swaying my legs back and fourth, impatient.

'Mum, can we go nooow?!" I pleaded.

"just a moment love" she answered.

I sighed, bored and anxious, I don't know why. I stumbled up the stairs and poked my head into my sisters room. She was lying in bed, asleep. I couldn't resist, I umped onto her bed, yelling random words.

"what are you DOING?" She groaned, with a bed head.

"Saying goodbye to my lovely sister"

"I was sleeping"

"Well, your awake now"


"very" I answerd.

"Goodbye, look I said it, now get lost, go to your weird land of Doctor Who with your boyfriend"

I threw a pillow at her, before walking out, and closing her door, and making my way down the stairs.

"come on mum!" I cried

"ok, ok, im coming"

I opened the front door, followed by mum and dad. My dad carried the suitcase, I brought the bags. Dumped them in the boot, and closed the door, saying my goodbyes to Dad, I might have shed a tear. I then umped into the back of the car, I dont know why, but I loved the back.

Before I knew it we set of, I was on my way to Cardiff yet again. I got my phone put, sticked my headphones in, and let my music take me to a far away land....

We hadn't been driving for long before Matt texted me.

'Jessie, you know you love me...?'he said


'could you pick me up, my car is busted :/ '

I sighed, Matt was stuck, we hadn't even got out of London and he was asking for me to help.


A while later, My mum pulled up by the pavement, and winded her window down, to revel Matt waiting with his bags

"Matthew, Matthew, Matthew" She said, pretending to be cross.

"Sorry!" he answered, I immediately ran out of the car, and wrapped my arms around him.

"I missed you"

He was about to answer, before my mum interrupted.

"alright you too, get in"

And with that, we packed Matts bags into what little space was left in the boot of the car, sat down, put our seatbelts on, and settled down.

"What happened to your car, Matt?" my mum asked, beginning to drive

"ah, um, well, it just wont start, I need to get it checked out, I tried to get it working, but it was no use"

"You Muppet" I told him, before resting my head on his shoulder.

"How long does it take to get to Cardiff, again? I forgot" I asked

"about 2 and a half hours, not too long" he told me

I gowned "uggh, yes it is"

"no its not"

"yes it is"

"no its not"

"yes it is"

"no its-"

"oi, quiet back there you too!" my mum said, followed by laughter from me and Matt.

I then started to feel that pain again. "damn, mum, ive been getting pains in my belly"

"was it something you ate hun? maybe your just nervous"

I sat back "maybe"

Matt then stretched his arm around my shoulders, kissing the top on my head.

"don't worrie about it" he whispered, reassuring me.

Later, we had arrived in Cardiff, but weren't due to be at the studios for another half hour, so mum said she'd drive us to a Café, which would be nice.

We where still in the car, I think Matt fell asleep at one point during the ride, but I had been busy in my own world listening to music through my earphones.

We had a bite to eat in the café before driving into the big gates, towards set. I t felt good to be here again, despite the minor pains I was dealing with.

It wasn't long before we had taken our bags out, and where waving off my mum. driving of into the distance. I breathed the fresh air of Cardiff...not that it was any different from London's air...


Hi everyone! 

So, im going to The London comic con today ^.^ Cosplaying as the 11th Doctor, YAY! Really exited. Becuase of this I probably wont be updating again today :( sorry!!!! 

So, if your going to London comic con..look out for me?...not that you willl know what I look like *facepalm* I'll just be that crazy girl cosplaying 11. 


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