didn't you know?

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"So are you gonna come to the Graham Norton show?"  Matt asked.

"..wait, what?"

We where still in the coffee shop, we had been there for about 20 minutes. It was only then When Matt started the conversation.

"You didn't get the e-mail? They want us to go on the Graham Norton show"

"I haven't been checking it lately"  I said, which was true. "Ive been on 3 times, its really fun, you should go on"

"But that will be my first TV appearance since I was announced" I told him. "when is it?"

"In a month or two, they haven't confirmed the date" 

I slid down in my seat, coffee in hand.

"what's wrong?" Matt asked.

"It's just..everything is moving so fast, since I got this job, my whole life had changed, literally"  I sighed.

"Isnt that good?"

"well yeah, just a bit over whelming"

"well think about if you want to go on the show, but if you do go on, seriously, you wont regret it"

A while later, we left the coffee shop, and went off for a little walk around the city. It was nothing great. We didnt see the queen, unfortunately. But we couldn't go to any landmarks, because of the number of people who would be there, for Matt or I could get recognised.

"So how are you surviving living outside the studios?" Matt asked.

I nudged him. "shut up Matt"

"what?" He said sarcastically

"So, do you think I should go?"

"It's your choice, you don't have to, but it would be nice, I understand if you don't want to go on, I know what your going through Jessie, I was in your position a few years back"

"I know, I know, I saw it on TV, before I got the job" I said, strolling down the street, arm in arm with Matt, who was by my side. I was deep in thought about what Matt had told me, and I wasn't sure what to do. But I did have time, I'd think about it, I just wanted to spend time with Matt.


elloooooo  *spoilers for Doctor Who series 7 finale*







So, I watched the series finale today.....WOW, just wow. That ep blew me away! So, John Hurt IS THE DOCTOR? whaaaaat?! And im still confused about Clara, maybe if I watch it over a few times I'll understand. Also, The Doctor and Rivers kiss! AFEF4G4GIJKNKB

This show kills me


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