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I was still texting my sister, but now, it was official, my family where coming in a week, and gonna stay for a weekend! I was so exited. I told them what they needed, what to do, what not to do. And I made it very clear, that whatever they see on set, must not be told to a soul. until the series had aired anyway.

I then got another text from Matt.

'Hey Jessie! just wondering if you wanted to come out with me, Kazz and Arthur. We are just going into town, maybe a few drinks?'

I thought about it for a moment, but, I wasn't really up to it, besides, I needed to organise things with my sister. I hope he wouldn't mind. So I text back.

'Sorry! but I need to arrange everything! And I don't really feel like going out right now. Another time? xx'

Soon after, I got another reply.

'ok, shame :( ill be back soon, your not getting rid of me that easily!

I laughed a bit after reading that.


After a while, I grew bored, my conversation with my sister had died down, Matt and the guys where out, and I just didn't really have anything to do. So instead of just sitting in silence, I decided to go over some lines, with myself. You can never practise too much, can you?

A few hours later, there was a knock on the door, and Matt came in. We instantly hugged each other. Our friendship was really strong. But over the past few days, id been thinking if we could be more than friends...

We sat down next to the table together, drinking tea.

"you've been going over lines" Matt began, taking a sip. "good girl" he joked.

"well, I got a bit bored" I told him

"missing me?" joking, again.

I laughed. "sis said there coming next week, staying for a weekend!"

"Ah, that's good"

I drank a it more of my tea, and then put on a puzzled face.

"Matt, do your family ever come round?" I asked.

"no way! I wouldn't let them!!" He quickly answered.


"because they'd do nothing but embarrass me! They've only been here once, and that was when I got the job, when I first arrived! And that was bad enough! Especially my parents, they would be all 'ooh, look at my son! he's The Doctor, and we love him! and we are so proud of him' it would be terrible! id have to hide in a cave until they had gone!" He said.

"Ok, now your making me nervous!" I told him.

"hey, that's just my family! I'm sure you wont have anything to worrie about!"

As I listened to his words, he did help me, as I did trust Matt now.

"Oh, I wanted to ask you something!" He said, deep in thought.

"well, what is it?"

"Oh yeah! Karen and Arthur are gonna sleep in my trailer, top and tail, since I got a double bed, and they don't have a trailer anymore, would it be ok if I stay here for the night?" He asked, kindly.

"sure!" I told him, he seamed relieved. "But, where are you going to sleep? I haven't got a double bed" I asked.

"Oh, I was gonna go on the sofa, that ok?"

"Of course! Hey, we could watch a movie or something" I suggested.

"Ok, cool, I have a stack of DVDs in my trailer"

He started to get up, and go round to his trailer to get them.

"so, shall we watch it on my latop yeah? since there's no TV in here, oh, and ill get munchies!"

"alright!, be right back" he then walked out, soon to return.

I got everything ready, food, laptop, lights and PJs on. Perfection! Later, Matt came round with a few DVDs to choose from, and a set of PJs, so he went in my room to change. He came out wearing normal, blue and black matching top and trousers. Whilst he was changing, I made my shortlist of DVDs to watch, and we both eventually has chosen an episode of the walking dead. Matt told me he was a big fan.


A while into the episode, we where both lying on the sofa. I'd brought some blankets in for Matt to sleep with, so he wouldn't be cold, but now they where over both of us. He relaxed on a few pillows and I had my head against his chest. He had one of his arms over my body, and I could feel his warm breathing, which comforted me. The laptop was on the table, not far from us. We just layed there in silence whilst watching the DVD. Every now and then one of us would take a bite of some of the sweets we had layed out, but that was really the only movement that came between us.

We watched a few episodes, but once the disk had finished, the laptops screen went blank, since we hadn't been touching it. Everything in the room was dark, and none of us had the energy to move. So as a result, we just both slept there, that night like that. I don't think I ever felt so relaxed, Matt seamed pretty calm too. This was how I wanted us to always be. Comforted by each other, calm enough to fall asleep on one another. But then I realised, I wasn't fan-girling about this man anymore. This was real.

I actually loved Matt

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