audition time

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sorry ive been slow on updating! been busy with xmas and all that! enjoy!!!



Next day, i was awoken by Mark, and I did my daily morning routine. Shower, teeth, clothes, hair, make-up.

The audition was in another hotel, a rubish one in my opinuion, It was small, and had a negitive presance.The car drove into the car park, and parked up.

"you gonna be ok?" Mark asked

"ill be fine, thank you Mark"

"ok, ill be back in 3 quaters of an hour, you should be finished by then, meet back here" he told me.

I noded, and leaned to step out of the car.

"And Jessie" he stopped me in my tracks.

I looked at him, and he smiled

"good luck"

I smiled back at him, and got out of the car, then Mark drove off, leaving me waving him goodbye. I sudlenly felt a positive vibe run through my veins. 'Thanks Mark', i thought.

I walked into the hotel, and sat in a waiting room, where a few dozen other girls sat, I could tell everyone was nervous, so was I.

Then my turn came, i enterd a white room, with a glass screen on the wall, unable to see through it, i guessed someone could see me, but i couldent see them, so they must be important in some sort of a way.

"please state your name, age and country of birth" I herd a womans voice through a speaker.

"My name is Jessica Wood, I am 26 years old, and I was born in England" I said, confidently.

"Ok, we shall start" i herd her say.

"well, is that it? Thats all you have to say?" She started

"what do you mean 'is that it?' I risked my life for that man, dont give me that rubish, Ill do whatever i damn please!"  I acted out, doing well.

"how dare you? how dare you give me that disrespect? dont you realise what ive done for you?"

"Yeah, given me a right old piece of...well..NOTHING! you think im gonna walk away? just like that? That is all i have to say, its all i NEED to say, you think your so clever. So wonderfull, but you need to snap out of it and look at the people around you, mr! cuz thats one thing ive learned while going around with you, life doesent care!"

the scene ended, and i was relived, god, that felt like 5 hours.

"Thank-you miss Wood" 

I noded, and left the room, as the next girl walked in.

I was so pleased with myself, I finaly did it, now all I had to do was wait, and see if i got the call back.

I met Mark outside as we planned, and threw myself into his car.

"how did it go?" he asked.

"perfect, well at least i think so" I smiled at him

"aw, great"

"yeah, i dident mess up, i remeberd all my lines, and said them correctly" I told him.

we then went back to the hotel, packed up, and drove home.

We had our own little chat on the way home, I explained how nervous i was at the audition.

We then packed our stuff and went home.

Mark pulled up outside my house, and i steped out, my mum rushed out of the house and we reunited in a hug.

"come in Mark!" she told him.

"Sorry mrs Wood, things to do"

"ah, of course, thank you for driving her!" she told him.

"no problem mrs Wood, bye Jessie"

"bye" i said, and witgh that he drive off.


That night, i lied on my bed, multitasking between reading My doctor who book, and texting Mark, i had to wait a few months to know if i got the call back for the audition, if it went past 5 months, it meant i hadn't got it. I then realised it was 1 o'clock in the morning, so said goodnight to Mark, and fell asleep. 


Weeks later

I went out shopping with my friend, Nicole. We bought mostly clothes, then stopped off by a cafe to get a bite to eat.

"so" she said, sitting by the table with me.

We started a conversation, while eating our food, laughing and chatting.

I told her about my audition, and how much i wanted the part. Nicole was very pleased for me, she is a good friend.


it was 3 months after my audition, and I walked into my house from a friends birthday party. I walked in to the sitting room, to find Mark, and the rest of my family sitting on the 2 sofas.

"you got the call back!" Mark blurted out. 

Dreams (Matt Smith fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon