a conversation

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"Why do they find it so weird?" I asked.

We where relaxing in Matts trailer. The normal thing, tea, sofa, chat. Nothing special, well apart from Matt of course, he was very special.

things where different, in a good way, We had accepted it, we where together, we loved each other, trusted one another. We where in love, so what?

"hehe, maybe there just jealous I got a beautiful girlfriend" He joked.

I nudged his arm. "Im serious!" I told him, laughing

"ahh, forget about it, It'll settle down soon" 

"I hope so" I groaned. 

"well, who cares what they think? It's just us, me and you"

"awww, I love you, Matt" I giggled.

he smiled at me "I love you too"

"I haven't told my sister, or family yet, have you told Karen or Arthur?"

"nope, I can tell them now if you like"

I hesitated for a moment. "na, its ok, tell them when you like" .

"Im gonna tell my sister and everyone later"

"ok"  he answered, sipping his tea.

I laughed.

"what?" he looked confused.

"you love your tea"

He looked at his cup, and swirled it around. "yeah...so?" he asked suspiciously

"I don't know its just....just..just you" I answerd.

And with that, we both smiled. This was the life I wanted, the life ive been dreaming off. 


Hey guys!

you all doing well out there? Just to say a MASSIVE thank-you, im about to reach 5000 reads! AH! For me, that's a lot! I'd like to thank you all! Now, I never ask for votes because I think it's what's at heart (and also, I think it's kinda rude to ask for votes ^.^) but, obviously, votes are very much appreciated, and Im greatfull for all your support! 

Ok, see ya next chapter? xx


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