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So next morning, I set of, took the tube, and arrived in a park in the depths of London. Which was nice...

It was where me and Matt had planned to meet, and I was looking forward to it. Yesterday I asked if Karen and Arthur wanted to come, but they where both busy.

I decided to sit down on a bench, since I hadn't seen Matt yet. There was a slight breeze, along with a sunny day, which was always nice. I played on my phone a little, and took in the fresh air. Ok, now seriously, where is Matt? I tried not to worry, as I knew it was probably nothing, maybe he was running late?

Just in time, I noticed him walking up the path, so I immediately threw myself onto him, giving him a fright, I didnt think he noticed I was coming.

"Well...hello" he said, a bit creeped out, but smiling at the same time, as we let go.

"I cant even survive a night without you!" I told him

He then laughed "ha, me neither"

A while later, we where both sitting down in a coffee shop drinking..well, coffee! When A young girl came up to us, and explained she was a fan of doctor who, and asked for an autograph. Of course, we signed some items of hers, she said thank you, and toddled off.

I was a bit astonished, that was the first time someone had actually asked for my autograph, since the show hadn't aired yet.

"You'll get a lot of that, once the new series is on TV" Matt began "people will start recognising you" He said. "They are usually very nice, apart from the odd one who carelessly shouts in your face, and demands you give him or her your balls"

I then looked at him "WHAT?"

"ha, im kidding!"

I didn't stop looking at him, then he changed the expression on his face.

"Jessie, im kidding, it was a joke. Seriously Jessie, stop looking at me like that"

"Oh yeah right..sorry" I answered. "But never say anything like that again"

He laughed a bit, until I gave him the face again.

"right sorry" He said, briefly putting his hands up.


......Oh my GALLIFREY! 10,000 reads? TEN THOUSAND?!

I LOVE YOU ALL TOO MUCH! Massive virtual hug to ALL of you! How did I get 10,000 reads? HOW?!

You are all too good to me


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