take 2!

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So, there we where again, driving up to London for my second audition, just me and Mark, again, freinds. We started talking about the part, and the audition, and i felt that feeling again from Mark, like he knew something I didn't.

We drove through central London, and then i noticed the hotel we stayed at last time, i got myself ready to get out of the car, but then, we drove past the hotel.

"umm Mark...Mark, you've gone past the hotel.." I told him.

"ah, we're not going to that shabby hotel" he told me.

'There was nothing shabby about that hotel' i thought. "wh...where are we going then?" I asked, confused.

"you'll see"

about 20 minuits later, we parked up outside another hotel...a posh looking one....

"Your...your kidding right?" i was stunned.

"nope, we are gonna spend the night here" he told me.

A man in smart uniform approached us. "may I take your bags?" he asked, we handed him our stuff. "Thank you"

I jumped onto Mark to give him a massive hug. "this is wonderfull!" i told him.


When we walked into our room i was speechless, two king size beds, luxury bathroom, and massive terrace.

"Mark, how the hell did you get this kind of money?" i asked.

"hey, never you mind that" he told me.

This hotle was brilliant, amazing fod, amazing accomodation, amazing staff, amazing.....EVERYTHING!


Next day, we got out of the car, and Iwalked into the hotel to do my second audition. I was more exited about this then nervous, i dont know why. Maby it was because it was with the actor, but unforcanatly, he/she would be behind the screen, so i wouldent be able to see there face, only hear there voice. I had to do a different script this time, which i learned off by heart.

I walked into the same room where my audition was held before, same walls, same screen.

"Miss Jessica Wood?" The woman's voice from before asked me.

"yes" i answered.

"ok, as you know this will be with the unknown, confirmed actor, please bigin"

"So, here we are, on mars, talking about cookies..." i started

"yes, whats wrong with that? nothing wrong with mars and cookies, brilliant mix" The unknown actor said, it was a mans voice.....something familiar...i recognised it from somewhere.

"i..errr.." I was concentration too much on the actors voice that i forgot too say my line!

"well..umm-yes, you think that's a brilliant mix? boy, you got some weird taste" I said, finaly.

"dont start an argument again  just concentrate on cookies!" 

"stupid subject"

"fine, we'll go to a planet that's made of cookie dough!" 

"no thanks! lets talk about something interesting, like....oh i dont know...something apart from Cookies anyway"

"ok, did i ever tell you about the time I found a serpants head in my wardrobe?"

"NO! and i dont wanna know!"

"thank you miss Wood, you may leave" the womans voice said, and I did as told.

oh god, i messed up! well...i suppose it wasent that bad..was it? why dident i consentrate on my lines!?

Later, i met up with Mark in his car.

"How did it go?" he asked.

"well....i messed up, but i dont think it was a massive mistake, It was because i herd the actors voice and i was thinking about whos voice it was, i thought about it too much which made me forget a line, but i got it eventualy, i just hope i was good enough"

"ah, dont worrie hun, im sire you did great"

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