"You're not all that," Charmaine announced.

"That's not what your eyes say," Train remarked. 'But like I said, I don't want you to go through withdrawal."

Train walked to the bathroom and closed the door. Charmaine heard the shower running and she smiled. She couldn't help but picture Train's complete package running through the hot water. Charmaine leaned against the wall and stared at the door.

Charmaine had to admit to herself. She did want Train. Train was unlike any other man she ever knew. Train was conceited but he made you want to be around him. He didn't give a fuck about anything. He could be in the middle of a gunfight, bullets flying everywhere and still have time to crack a joke. Charmaine could see why ladies love Train so much. He made you feel gitty. Charmaine didn't know how to take someone like Train.

"Real slow and hard," Charmaine answered the question in her head out loud.

Charmaine immediately covered her mouth with her hands even though Train was still in the shower and didn't hear.

"I can't do this," Charmaine whispered to herself. "Have to be a good girl."

The water stopped running and Charmaine heard movement behind the closed bathroom door. Charmaine stepped back from the wall as Train opened the bathroom door with a towel draped around his waist.

"I don't know if you want to wash my boxers," Train said coyly.

"Doesn't matter," Charmaine said and her eyes shifted to the towel and the bulge that was poking out.

"Ok because I can sleep with those on," Train suggested.

"Just get in the bed," Charmaine said then realized how it sounded. "I mean get your rest."

Train nodded. "Sure."

Train pulled back the covers of the full sized bed and got in the bed putting the covers over him.

"You're going to be alright?" Train asked.

Charmaine nodded. "Sure, why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you're drooling like you want a Scooby snack," Train chuckled.

Charmaine felt embarrassed as she wipe the piece of drool that did come from her mouth.

"I'm just thirsty," Charmaine defended.

"I bet you are," Train winked.

"You wish," Charmaine said.

"Uh huh," Train patted the pillows on the bed then rested his head. "Night, Drama Queen."

"I'm not Drama's anything," Charmaine quickly protested,

Train looked at her. "What?"

"Nothing," Charmaine said. "Just go to sleep."

Train closed his eyes and Charmaine heard light snoring coming from him.

Charmaine walked to the bed and saw that Train had fallen asleep that fast. She felt a sigh of relief. Charmaine knew she wanted to jump in that bed and ride that man like she did in her dream at the hospital. Even his light snoring was turning her on.

Charmaine quickly went to the bathroom and spotted Train's boxer on the sink. Charmaine decided to wash that first and hang it up first so if he got up in the middle of the night he could put it on.

Charmaine put his boxers on the towel rack to dry then grabbed the last towel that was still on the rack. She got undressed and turned on the tabs for the shower.

The Hood Will NEVER Love You (HDLY#3)Where stories live. Discover now