Why I Hate Romeo and Juliet - Chapter Twenty-Four

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I'm back from my vacation:)

It was loads of fun! We went to see Transformers 3 in 3D, and to Millenium Park, and the beach, and to see the fireworks on the Navy Pier. And shopping on Michigan Avenue ;)

Yet, I'm glad to be back home! And writing!

Here's the next chapter of Why I Hate Romeo and Juliet. I only edited half of it, so if there are any noticeable mistakes, please let me know! And let me know how you like it! I love hearing feedback:)


Chapter Twenty-Four

“What are you doing tonight?” Jane strode up to me eagerly.

I was sitting in front of my locker, head back, knees bent, eyes closed. Dad thought it would be nice if he drove me to school that morning. He just didn’t want Erick to drive me. Sadly, though, for me, that meant being an hour early for class. Of all days, he wanted to drive me to school then – when he had to get into work early.

So far it was fine – the school was basically empty. Yet of course, Jane was early to school too. I shut my eyes tighter, hoping that when I opened them, she’d be gone.


It wasn’t anything against her. No way! Jane had been fantastic without that dreadful Jordan by her side. I just wasn’t good on such low sleep, and that just wasn’t safe for anyone.

“What?!” I snapped, looking up at her.

She frowned at me. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.”

Yeah, I thought. At about four in the morning too, for your information. “Sorry,” I said instead, swallowing my grumpiness. “What?” I asked sweetly, in a strained voice.

She rolled her eyes. “What are you doing tonight?”

“I don’t know,” I groaned. “I should probably check in with Trish and Chapman about how the dress is going and…”

“Dress?” she asked, confused.

No way! Had I not told her? Shit, I really hadn’t! I was too busy with the prank and she was too busy with Jordan…oh what did it matter?

So I told her, more excited than I should’ve been for so early in the morning. Plus, doesn’t enthusiasm wear off after a while? It sure didn’t seem to, pertaining to Ms. Clayton’s exhibit.

“Hazel!” she shrieked, jumping a little. “That’s great! I didn’t know you could design dresses! You don’t even wear dresses!”

“Really? I hadn’t noticed,” I scowled at her. “The exhibit’s coming up soon. I’m actually kind of nervous for it.”

“You have to buy a dress now!” She cooed, clapping her hands together excitedly. “We have to go to the mall and buy you a dress now!”

“Jane,” I winced. “I don’t want to buy a dress. I’ll never wear it.”

She frowned again. “Then what are you going to wear to the display?”

“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “Jeans?”

Then Jane did something I never would have expected.

She got scary.

“Hazel Wray! If you think you’re going to go to a high-end art exhibit wearing jeans, you’ve got another thing coming! What’s wrong with you?! What I hear is that Ms. Clayton’s going to be very dressed up, and your dress making friend is probably going to make her own dress for the event, and you want to go in JEANS?!

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