Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

"Louis where is Lacey?!" I screamed into the phone not caring if it was illegal to talk and drive.

"Harry picked her up about an hour ago why?"

I slammed on the break and hit the wheel with frustration. "Fuck!" I screamed.

"Wow spencer? What's wrong?"

I took my time with replying to him as my hand scratched against my face. "No reason." I lied.

"Don't lie to me spencer." He said sternly.

"I'm not got to go bye." I said in one breath and hung up.

I sat there in compete confusion on what to do. So I decided to call zayn.


"Yeah? What's up?"

"Harry knows." I blurted out. He didn't reply right away.

"He knows...about Lacey..." He said unsure.

"Yes he knows about Lacey being his daughter!" I screamed.

"Okay so in guessing by the way your acting he didn't take it well."

"Can you please just meet me somewhere before I do something stupid?" I yelled.

"Like driving away and leaving Liam at a park wasn't stupid enough?!" He yelled back.

"He kissed me! Do you really expect me not to do something like that!?"

"I don't care if he kissed you or not! You don't just leave someone at a park 2 miles from the house!"

"Fuck you. I thought you would be the one person i could count on." And I hung up.

I dug my head into my hands and began to cry again. This is all wrong. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

My jumbled up thoughts were soon interrupted my a phone call from Morgan.


"Hey girl! Wanna have breakfast tomorrow? I have nothing planned and need to talk to someone other than Jacob."

"Sure." I said shortly. " I have to go, I'll see you at the cafe tomorrow morning." I said before hanging up.

It was late at night and I was drained. I just laid down in the car and drifted off to sleep, forgetting everything.


"Louis I'm home! Guess what I got yoooouuu!" I yelled as I walked though the front door. I threw my backpack down on the ground and walked into the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen there were four got guys raiding our fridge. "Uhhh can I help you?"

"Wow." One said as he saw me.

"Are you Jen? Lou she's hot!" Another said.

"I'm not Jen?" I said confused. Why would they think I was Lou's girlfriend?

"Your not?" The blonde one asked.

"Spence! Your home? I thought you were going to the cafe today?" Louis said running down the stairs.

"I did go. But Robbie was there so I left." I replied not once taking my eyes off the boys.

Louis wrapped his arms around me in a hug. Me and my brother are very close. "I'm glad you left then." He said with a smile on his face.

"I got you a pastry and a movie." I handed him a box and a movie.

"Vanilla scone and Indiana jones?! I love you." He hugged me again.

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