chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

"We can just share a room." Chloe said replying to my question.

"okay." I smiled and directed them to a vacant room. "unpack and I will go inform everyone." I walked out of the room and down the stairs to find all the boys in the kitchen. Before I could get there, harry stopped me.

"Nice friends." I tried to just ignore him and kept walking. When I got to the kitchen all the boys were either sitting down or standing up cooking.

"Hey, so they are here."

"I thought you said only one was come down." Liam questioned.

"It was a surprise, she flew in Lexy too." I smiled again.

"Oh...okay." He got back to cooking.

"What are we doing today?" I looked around the room for someone to answer me.

"Well I was hoping maybe I could take you out to lunch or something but I see your friends are here now sooo...." Zayn frowned.

"No, I can go out. It's okay. I have time with them tonight." He smiled and nodded.

"Wait, are you sure?"

"Yeah, they will live, besides they have to settle in and I wanna get out of the house.. So it doesn't really work out anyways." He smiled.

"Okay well get ready." He spun me around and pushed me towards the stairs. I walked into my room and the girls were in the bathroom, their bags untouched.

"What are you guys doing? You are supposed to be unpacking." They were doing their makeup in the cramped bathroom.

"We're getting pretty, what do you expect." Chloe admitted.

"Yeah, we are in a house full of hot guys. We need to look good." Lexy added.

"You guys look fine.. Anyways I'm going out to lunch with Zayn; I will be back in a little bit." Chloe and Lexy both turned their heads towards me. They both had different expressions on their faces. None that I could identify though...I had a feeling I would find out soon though. "What?"

"You weren't here but Chloe called dibs on Zayn and Liam..." Lexy informed me.

"hahaha. It's not a date, calm your tits." She sighed in relief. I laughed again at her craze for boys. I started for the bathroom to fix my hair. Instead of a messy bun I put it into a side braid. As I did this a question hit me... "Who did you call dibs on Lexy?" she froze.

"No one.." she lied.

"Your brother." Chloe blurted out. I eye brows shot up and my mouth gaped.

"Louis?!" she smiled shyly.

"She wants on that." Chloe blurted again. I laughed.

"It's okay Lexy; I just never knew you liked him." I said in-between laughs. "Okay well don't get into any trouble....Chloe." She looked at me with a smirk.

"No you don't get into trouble with my man." I laughed and walked out. I was almost to the stair when someone called out.

"Hey, where you going?" harry was in the hallway with nothing but a towel around his waist. He looked like he just got of the shower, his curls were dripping wet.

"You better get some clothes on. You're gonna scare my friends." He smirked.

"You didn't answer my question."

"How can I when you're half naked." His smirk turned into something more, something I can't even describe. He started walking towards me. He stopped as soon as we were touching. His head dropped to meet my eyes. My head was fully looking upward.

"You don't like this?" he pushed closer. My hand found his chest and roughly pushed his away.

"No I don't like it." I began to turn and walk away from the half-naked boy.

"liar." I just kept walking. I could tell he was smirking but I forced myself not to look back.

"So how's Jeremy?" oh my god, Jeremy. I haven't called or texted him.


"You like him?" Zayn had his full attention on me.

"I don't know yet...hopefully." He smiled. Now when he said he wanted to take me to lunch, he really meant he wanted to take me to the food court in the mall, not order anything while he practically interviewed me..

"What if you don't?"

"Then I will move on...?" he sat up and leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed.

"What about harry?" I'm not going to lie but when he said his name my heart sunk.

"What about harry?" I questioned him back.

"Will you ever consider him... Again?"

"I don't know...probably not." I sighed.

"So probably?" what was he doing?

"What?" then it hit me. "Did you talk to him?"

"maybe." He smirked.

"Stop that! Stop smirking. I hate it." His eyebrow went up.

"Yes. I did talk to fact he told me about your dinner..." now I'm curious.

"Well what did he say?''

"He said." He stopped himself.

"What did he say?!"

"I shouldn't say anything."

"He told you that he was going to win me back, didn't he.."

"How did you know?" he was confused.

"He told me too." I don't think Zayn realized that he was so forward with me. I shocked me too.

"Was it weird? You know.... Practically going to dinner as a family?" I didn't even think of

"Not really...I didn't even think of that." He was started by that.

"Oh... That's odd."

He didn't say anything else about this topic. We moved on and talked about different things. I made him order something to eat so I didn't feel weird. We just talked. He was someone I really trusted. I mean Chloe and Lexy don't even know about harry....and that says A LOT. I know if I need to talk to someone, he's here for me.

It's been about an hour and a half sense we dropped the topic. All of a sudden he got quiet.

"I'm sorry, but I just... You and...I can't stop.."

"Just spit it out, Zayn!'

"You and harry...I..."

"You didn't tell harry did you?!"

"God no! I just... I'm worried about you. And lacey." I sighed.

"I know you are... but I'm fine... It's okay." He seemed confused.

"But aren't you stressed about it all?"

"Yeah...a little bit. He sighed.

"I'm here for you, if you need me." I smiled at his sincere eyes.

"I know."



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Love, Kendall<3

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