chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

"Where were you today?" I said as I walked into Lexy and Chloe's room.

"I went to the dance center to choreograph a dance." Chloe said not once looking up from her phone.

"And I went with her." Lexy added.

"Coolness. Anything good so far." I walked further into the room and started to go through their closet to find a dress.

"Somewhat. I need your help though." Chloe said finally looking up. "date tonight?"

"hahah. I’ll be there next time. And yes. Jeremy..not harry"

"hahaha okay. And tomorrow we're going back to the studio." she added.

"okay, tomorrow." I laughed. "I will be right back." I say walking to the door.

"Where you going?" Lexy asked.

"uhhhh. I need to....check on lacey." Chloe shot her head up and studied my face. Soon you could tell she didn't believe me.

"spenccerr." She raised her eyebrow. "Don’t lie."

"Okay.. I need to talk to Zayn. I'll be right back." Her face turned red.

"Why Zayn?" she seriously thought I would hook up with him?

"Not like that. Hes my best guy friend. Chill." I laughed. "he’s yours don't worry..." then I remembered something. " know he’s dating someone right?" she grew a smirk.

"I know." Her smirk was evil, I just rolled my eyes and left.

"Knock knock. Safe to come in?" I said opening the door softly.

"Yeah!" I walked in the door and closed it behind me.

"I really need to talk to yo-" my eyes locked on harry who was sitting with Zayn talking by his bed. I didn't talk, I just stood there awkwardly. "uhhh..Bad time?"

"No your look pretty, why so dressed up?" I looked down at my dress and heels.

"uhhh...cant a girl dress up?" I can’t tell him I’m going out with Jeremy in front of harry.

"I guess what’s up?"

"I kinda need to talk to you." I looked at harry. His eyes were intensely staring at me. "You know what..i will just come back."

"No, I'll leave." Harry stood up abruptly.

"Harry you-"

"I'll go..." he started for the door when he stopped in front of me. "and you look beautiful by the way." I felt my cheeks flush with color as he walked out the door. I looked at Zayn who was smirking at me.

"So why did you dress up? Spencer, I like you but not in that way..i mean-"

"I’m going out with Jeremy." He laughed.

"Oh hahah okay." He stood up and walked over to the couch. "so what’s up?"

"Lacey asked me about her dad today." My head dropped to look at my hands.

"What did you say?"

"I said that if she's happy it doesn't matter." He sighed.

"See what I mean spenc? She needs a father." I felt my eyes water but I tried my best to hold them back. "Don’t cry. Come her." He stood up with his arms open. I walked over and dug my head into his chest.

Should I tell him? No...yes..ugghhhh!!

"spenc." I didn't move. I’m sure his bare chest will have makeup on it but I don't care. I abruptly jumped out of his arms and turned around to wipe the makeup off my face. He laughed. "Spencer, I don't care what you look like, just turn around." I did like he said. "I don't know what to say right now..but when I come up with something... you will be the first to hear." I laughed. “Now go get tidied up."

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