Welcome to the Club!!!!

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                                                                          **Allie's P.O.V**

Ha! I totally kicked those guys arses!!! In the end i won $180.00 just by winning! I should do this more often. I cant wait to go clubbing! I haven't been in a while.

Mmhhh what to wear, what to wear. I know, consult one of the guys!

"JUSTIN!!!! Come here!!!" I yelled. I heard the sound of laughter.

"Yeah what do you want?" He laughed.

"What do i wear?" I whined.

"So you asked me cause i'm bi?' he wondered.

"No, well kinda. But i need a guys opinion and i don't want Nick and his perverted thoughts! Your a friend and it helps that you are more sensible" I offered.

"OK, well you need something that hugs your curves and pushes up your breasts! Let me see." he looked through my cupboard and pulled out three or four dresses.

'OK, i'll pick. You go hop in the shower then you'll have to try two on." He shoved me out the door. I hopped in the shower and relaxed. All to soon i had to get out. I put on my garters (Stocking type things), black heels and my lacy lingerie. I put my dressing gown ON top. I did my hair and put minimal make up on. I went back in my room and found that Justin had finished getting dressed. He looked hot!!! He had also come down to two dresses. One was a tight blue dress and the other one was a sexy red dress.

"take your dressing gown off and put both of them on." He smirked but covered his eyes!

I first put on the red dress.

"OK, you can look now!" I said.

He turned around and said "Fuck.. Could you get any hotter?" He smiled and turned me around.I blushed like crazy. He gave me a kiss on the cheek then said:" Try on the other dress now" He smiled once more then covered his eyes.

I pulled on the dress and i knew this was the one for me.

"Open them now." I smiled.

"OK, that's the one." He picked me up and hugged me.

'Ok Mr, Lets get this show on the road. Has anyone called a cab?" I asked.

"Yeah i did it 10 Min's a ago." We walked out arm in arm.

"Allieeeee wowwww..." Lachlan just stood and stared. He was dressed in black skinny jeans, green globes, white top that made his muscles even more defined then before and his hair looked like he just had sex. HOT!!!!

"Is that a good or bad wow?" I asked nervously.

'That's a you look like a fuckin super model!!! You look so hot it should be illegal!" He smirked and spun me around showing his approval.

'Thanks, your looking not to bad yourself!" i winked.

I walked into the lounge room and saw the guys playing cod.

'Guys do i need to beat you again?' I giggled.

They all turned around and there reactions were the same as Lachlan's. Well, this isn't embarrassing is it!

Nick just stodd there and looked and looked and looked. Not saying one of his smart arse comments. I blushed at all the guys compliments.

The cab came and we all squished in the cab and made our way to Club liquor.

                                                                       ** At the club**

As we made our way inside we all hit the bar. I drowned three shots before my favourite song came on : Up against the wall by Tino Courey.

I grabbed the nearest person which happened to be Lachaln. He laughed and went along with it! We started dancing really close to each other. Then i put my hands around his neck whilst he put his hands on my waist. We grinded against each other but in a fun way. But i would be lying if i said that it didn't feel good, cause boy, did it!!! 

As the night went on i danced with all the boys except Nick so far. All the boys were so good and looked so damn sexy dancing! It was so much fun. All of a sudden i felt hands wrap around my waist. I squealed and tried to wiggle out of whoever's grasp i was in and get away but then he whispered in my ear :" Hey, it's ok. It's me Nick!" He whispered and moved his hips along with mine. He grinned as he was dancing on me.

I turned around in his arms and smirked. Let the games begin. I moved my body very closely to his so there was nothing between us and moved up and down on him. He groaned a bit but he tried to make it so i wouldn't notice. Fail. He gripped my hips harder and spun me around He pressed his front up against my back and i gasped. He was turned on. By me? Surprising, he didnt pull away. He pressed him self harder into my back. Ok, now that sounded wrong. I turned around and gave him a quick kiss on the lips then went off to get a drink. This has to be my... what... 10th or so. Yes i drink allot but i can hold it down but i get a massive hangovers.

Some of the guys said they were ready to go and all i could'nt find was Kyle and charlie. I saw them chatting it up in one of the booths. Kyle blushed a bit at what ever Charlie said. I smiled. Yes i need rto get them together. I got them then got in the taxi. I'm really tired. I rested my head against Justin and he just smiled and did the same to me. I really like these guys here. Even if one is a self centered player. I guess he dosent know whay i hate him so much. i guess it's cause he reminds me after Jacob. A player and if i get too close i'll loose him and he'll tell people my secrets.

The taxi stopped and i felt somebody pick me up. They walked to the door and opened it. Lucky i gave all of them a copy of my key. Who ever it was put me on something soft. oh it was my bed. They then put something on me. It felt like a shirt. A big one. Then they un zipped my dress then took it off. They let go of a breath .Iit sounded like they didn't know they were holding their breath. They took of my heels and then kissed me on top of the head and said "Your going to be mine one day. i may not show it but i care. More then you know." I was too tired to see who it was so i just pulled the covers on me further and went of to a peace full sleep. The first thing im going to do in the morning is find out who stripped me and put me to bed!! If it was Nick im going to kill them! But im tired now so im going to sleep and see what tomorrow will bring.


How was ths chapter? I was meant to do another one but my lap top lost battery and  i didnt save my work!!

 important life lesson: Allways save your work!!!  Well this is  dedicated to Teensatr for beng the first to add my story to there libary!! Thank you so much, i really appreciate it!! Pls comment or vote or fan. Or maybe all!! :)

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