Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Sarah's POV

Tomorrow was the day Kevin was going to be daubed king. No one actually knows about me yet. We haven't gone out since it was announced for him to be king. But tomorrow all of that would change. After the carnation there was to be a ball. And of coarse I was going to this. 

Kevin's sisters had bought me a dress to wear. It was a beautiful sea green. I loved it because when I stood next to Kevin it made his eyes shine even better. Kevin has no idea I even had a dress. I was so excited about this. I was also nervous to make a first impression on everyone. I knew I would be assisting Kevin in ruling these people. 

I heard a knock on my door. I was half sleeping half awake. I decided to ignore the knock and go back to bed. I rolled so I wasn't facing the door and shut my eyes.

I thought I was dreaming. Someone got into my bed and pulled me into there arms. I didn't open my eyes. Who ever was in my bed was extremely close to me and has their arms wrapped around me. I felt their face settle in the bend in my neck and started to kiss it softly. The kisses were trailing up to my face, then went back to my neck. The kisses started to get rougher. They were less sweet and more lustful. I knew at that point the person in my bed was Kevin. Dang I even dream about this kid. 

He stopped kissing and started to trail his hand up and down my back and waist. 

"I stole you away form every one. I took you from the rest of the world. Look at you, only 16 and about to settle your life forever." He took a strand of hair that was in my face and tucked it behind my ear. Ilaid there like I was still asleep. I knew at this point I wasn't  dreaming and that I was still awake. "Maybe I should have listened to my dad." What was he talking about? He didn't steal me away. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to know what his dad had told him to do. Was his dad against him marrying me?

Thoughts like this were buzzing through my head a mile a minute. All of these thoughts were stopped in an instant. 

"I don't think you realize how much I love you." Those simple words put my mind at ease. 

It was about 7 in the morning and I didn't usually sleep this late. But tomorrow was a big day for Kevin and I and I have been so busy with the wedding I just wanted to not think about it for awhile. I also hadn't been sleeping well at all. I started to drift back toward sleep. 

I was in a large, grand study. The biggest I had ever seen. Everything was very expensive and new looking. I was in this room alone. Suddenly two men came bursting in the room. They both had black tails that were very intimidating. They came over to me in a flash of speed. I looked past these two men and saw Kevin in the doorway. His head was down and I couldn' t see his eyes. The men grabbed me and started to take me out of the room. I started to fight with all of my might to escape their grip. I tried to yell for Kevin but the words weren't coming out of my mouth. 

Suddenly I was in a desolate, brightly lite part of the sea. There was nothing there but me and the men holding me in my place. I was still fighting against their grip. But they wouldn't budge. One of the men let go and the other threw me toward the ground. I sat on the ground afraid for my life. There was a barrel of a gun pointed right at my head. 

"By order of the king no humans are allowed in the sea, transformed or not." Then a shot was fired with the same furry I heard the night of my fathers death. 

I woke up and was screaming. 

"Kevin! Kevin help me! Don't let them take me!" Kevin sat up from the bed and grabbed me and pulled me into his grip. 

"I won't let anyone take you Sarah." Even though Kevin was always holding me like this I had never noticed his heart beat. The noise was more soothing than his voice. This place was familiar to me. I felt I was meant to be here, like it was made just for me. 

Something else was different though. Kevin seemed distant. Maybe deep in thought. I started to calm down after a few minutes, but Kevin didn't change. Maybe he was sick of my relentlessnightmares. I know I would be. I felt bad for him having to deal with me. And I know he has told me before but I cant help but think that he wished he left me out there. 

I mean the only reason he is even marrying me is because he had to marry someone. He was being forced to marry and I was what was convenient. I let my thoughts soak in for a second. I had never actually connected the dots to realize this but my reasoning was true. He had to marry someone and I was there. And like the fool I am I fell for it. I actually thought he wanted to marry me. I know he cared about me but  I knew he didn't care enough to like me. I must have looked like a real fool planing this wedding. He must have gotten a laugh out of it. 

I sunk out of his arm and turned in bed to face away from him and pulled my sheets up over my head. I can't believe how dumb I was. And what am I supposed to do now? I actually love him. But the real question is does he love me? Or maybe he thinks he does but really he was in a tight spot and thought he loved me because I was closest. 

"Sarah, whats wrong?" I ignored him and closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. I didn't want to bring this up to him, maybe I was being paranoid. 


Hope you liked this chapter, just got wifi I will update more regularly know (:

Love sammie

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