Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Sarah's POV

Before I even opened my eyes I knew I wasn't home. I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was a guy. A cute guy. He had brilliant green eyes and brown hair his skin was tan. He was gorgeous. But he had a... no he couldn't.... he had a tail. I quickly sat up. The mysterious fish man looked up at me and sat up too. He must have been falling asleep.

Then I noticed I was underwater. I was panicking. My heart was beating so fast. All I could think of was that I'm either having a dream, drowning, or I died. The Fish man swam over to me and grabbed my hand with one hand and my shoulder with the other.

"Calm down you need to breathe." 

"BREATHE?! I'm under the freaking water I can't..." Oh my god I'm breathing underwater. 

"Shhh look you need to calm down, there is a lot to explain. But you need to rest." His voice was very comforting. I layed back down in the bed. I looked around the room I was it what looked like a hospital, just underwater. "Okay I'm going to explain to you whats happening okay?"

I shook my head in response I was suddenly very weak and felt as if I couldnt even talk. 

"I was swimming around early in the morning and I saw you. You had been tied to a huge rock and were drowning. Someone had thrown you in the water. I brought you over to doc, you were basically dead. And he... well.... he.... turned you into one of us." he gestured toward his tail. I could tell he wasn't good with words. 

Then it all came back to me. The men, the boat, the drowning, the thing swimming to me. "The gunshot" the words escaped my lips weakly. I started to cry. My father was dead and im a freaking mermaid.

"The what? The gunshot? Did someone try to kill you?"

All I could do was shake my head in my pillow. 

"Well I will let you sleep. You have a lot to think about."

Kevin's POV

It had been two weeks. She would wake up but not for long and would fall right back asleep. Her tail was almost done forming and she could already breathe on her own under here. She had fallen back asleep after I explained to her what happened. I have a feeling she will be out of her soon. And she will be staying at my castle. It was only me my mom and my 3 sisters living there. So there was plenty of room for her. My sisters were excited for her arrival and my mother had already made her a custom top that matched her tail. Unfortunately the myth that mermaids swim around topless is just a myth.

She started to wake again. I looked at the clock. It had been about 4 hours since she fell asleep. 

"So I'm a mermaid?" She looked at me with such innocence in her eyes. I nodded my head in response.  She took it better than I thought she would. She looked down and slowly started to cry. I went to her side and grabbed her hand. I wanted to do something to fix this. I knew in a few months it would be easier for her. After she looked back up to me.

"What am I supposed to do? Where am I supposed to live? I have nobody." She started crying again.

"You have me. And don't worry your going to stay with me and my family. They are all excited to meet you. I have three sisters, triplets actually they are older than you, 19, but still want to meet you. And my mom is very excited to have you with us. I feel horrible I don't know our name, or how old you are."

"My name is Sarah, I'm almost 16." She said this through tears. I felt so bad. 


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much love, sammie 

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