Chapter 9

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Please comment i need your guys feedback (: Should I keep writting or move on to another story?

much love sammie

Chapter 9

Sarah's POV

We were in Paris, just me and my father. We had been shopping for the better part of the day and he had bought me everything I wanted. It wasn't right though. I knew he was only doing this because I had lost my mom. We were walking back to our hotel and we were stopped by two strange men. They looked familiar. 

"Hey what do you know the old shit is in Paris. You didnt think we would find you huh?" The smaller man was looking at my father.

"No boys you see my wife just died so I-"

"We don't care, where is our money?"

"Its back in Washington. But here is $1,000 until then. OK?" Then small man took the money and shoved it in his coat. The bigger of the two men never took his hand out of his coat but I could tell he had something in there that was scaring my father. And what money? We had loads of money, why would we owe these scum any?

Suddenly I was in my fathers study. The bigger man was holding me and had a hand over my mouth. The smaller man lifted the gun that was in his hand. On the floor was my father. I was thrown to the ground and my head hit it hard. I couldn't move. The gun was suddenly at my head.

"Sorry sweet cakes." Then I heard a gun shot.

I awake in Kevin's arms screaming. "Please don't! Please!" 

"Sarah! Wake up your fine, I'm here." Kevin was holding me even tighter than before. "Look it was just a movie, and there is no shark I was just messing with you."

"No.. It... It's... not t-that." I said between sobs. I was scared and upset its a really bad combo. "I dreamt-t about.... the people t-that tried to kill me-e only t-this time t-they did-d." I was sobbing and I couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried.

"Sarah look at me." I looked up to meet Kevin's gaze. "I am here and I will never let anyone hurt you."  I cried a little longer. Kevin just comforted me. I fell asleep in his arms. It was a restless sleep but it was better than dreaming.

I used to love to dream. I would look forward to sleeping just so I could dream. I dreamt about everything. Even mermaids ironically.

Kevin's POV

I woke up with Sarah in my arms. Her face was tear stained and she looked tired. I could tell she hasn't slept well in awhile. She almost looked sick. Before I knew it she was awake.

"Good morning." I gave her my winning smile. She looked at me and mumbled what sounded like good morning and closed her eyes again. She had pain in her face. "Are you OK?"

"I'm fine my head just hurts and im tired."

"Well come on we will head to the kitchen and I will make breakfast for you." I got up out of bed and headed toward the door. "You coming?"

She started to get out of bed. When she got up she got really pale and her eyes where droopy. She was starting to fall.

"Sarah?" She fell. I got to her just in time to catch her. She had fainted. I tried to wake her up but it was no use. She was breathing so I knew she was OK. I set her in my bed and picked up my phone and called Doc. 

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