Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Kevin's POV

For the next few days all Sarah did was plan plan plan. She wants the wedding to be perfect. I told her she should just get a planner but she doesn't listen to me. She says that if anything goes wrong the only person she has to  blame is herself. That's the thing about her. she doesn't want to be upset with anyone. I think when she is upset at someone she is more upset with herself than with that person. Like when she is upset with me. It breaks my heart to know she is hurting inside because of me. If only there was a way to help her. I was snapped out of my thoughts. I was trying to fall asleep and I felt Sarah moving around a lot in my arms. 



"Is something wrong?" I was trying to look at her face but it was too dark to see anything.

"No, I just had a dream. Sorry if I woke you."

"What were you dreaming?" I ignored her apology.

"Oh nothing you want to here. Really, go back to sleep." I turned her over so she was facing me. I couldn't see her but at least I was facing her.

"Sarah, why do you think I don't want to here."

"It's-s late I just-t thought you would want to go back to s-sleep." She sounded a cross between frightened and sad. 

"Sarah. What's wrong." I flipped on the light so I could see her. We were sitting up facing each other. She had tear stains on her cheeks and her eyes were starting to fill up with tears.

"I was just thinking about how all my life I dreamed of getting married and my father walking me down the aisle and my mother sitting in the front crying. And all my family being there. And now all those people are basically in another world and two of them are dead. And-" She was starting to just fall apart. I wrapped her in my arms.

"Sarah I know they aren't here but they would be so proud of you. You have been basically alone facing all of this and look at you. 16 years old and planning a wedding and getting ready to rule a world you know nothing about. You are strong, no matter what happens to you, you keep going. That's one of the things I love about you. You care so much. Sometimes you care too much. Of course I want to hear if something is wrong with you. I love you and you being upset kills me inside. I know I'm not a replacement but you have me now."

In the morning things were back to normal. Sarah was being more lovey dovey than usual but I thought it was cute. Its amazing that this girl was soon going to be married to me. I wanted to make our honeymoon perfect. I still did't know where to take her but I knew it was going to be special. 

I went into the study were Sarah was working on wedding plans. I snuck up behind her and started to kiss her neck. 

"Oh my god! Kevin! You scared me!" This didn't stop me. I kept going. She put her hand in my hair. She was just intoxicating. She was a drug that I was addicted too. I stopped kissing her and looked at her.

"Why did you stop?" I went and started to do it again and she swam out of her chair and went behind me. I spun around. "I was kidding." I started to chase her around the room. She was giggling. I loved when she does that, it's so cute. She wasn't watching were she was going and swam right into the wall. I caught up to her and grabbed her and set her on the couch. 

"Are you OK?"

"Yeah" She was laughing. "I'm fine. I'm just clumsy."

"Good." I leaned in and started to kiss her. I couldn't resist her lips for long. I can't believe I was about to marry her. Her lips were so soft. I didn't know they could be so soft. It's destiny that she is here. I really was in love with this girl.

Sorry this one is shorter 


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