The last chapter

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This is it. The last chapter in My Long Lost Daughter. We've been thru so much. From Lale hitting Dean with a surf board to Lale slapping Seth Rollins before she stole the WWE World Heavyweight Championship title for Dean. I enjoyed going along this journey with you all. But all journeys have to end. Here is the last chapter. I'll see you all in the next one! 😘

One year later
"Are you okay? You look worried."I ask my beautiful girlfriend.

"I am worried. I have to tell my dad!" she cries.

"Babe. It's going to be fine. He won't be angry. Not at you at least." I chuckle.

"Dean!" she warns.

"Alright fine. I'll tell him. But it won't be my fault if Roman kills me and the baby won't have a daddy." I warn.

"We'll tell him together." she laughs at me.

~The End~

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