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"So he just DMs you asking you to go to FastLane? What a creep!" Sasha replies.

"He's not a creep!"

"Umm what person willingly stalks a fan and gives them free tickets to a race?" Sasha points out.

"FastLane is a pay-per-view not a race. And he didn't stalk me!" I correct. "I hope" I mumble.

"Whatever. At least he's hot!" Sasha shrugs.

"Ewww no!" I gag.

"What? I know he's like 32 but still it's not like he's your dad."

"Umm about that...." I start.

"WHAT?!?! Mr. Hottie is your DAD!" Sasha freaks. I nod. "Oh you are seriously going to this thing!"

"I can't. My mom wouldn't let me even if I asked." I explain. "It took a lot of begging and time to tell me about his last name!" I add.

"Just tell your mom that your going on this college visit with me" Sasha smiles.

"No. You know my mom doesn't understand the point of me getting an education." I answer.

"Oh come on. Please?!?!" Sasha begs.

"Ugh. Fine. I'll ask. But don't get your hopes up too high." I shake my head.
"But mom! Please!" I beg.

"No. I do not want you going to that stupid show. You know how much I hate you wasting your time watching that junk. And you need to focus and get ready for Miss America." Mom explains.

"But mom! This trip is getting me ready for Miss America. I would be traveling to another state. And I'll get to meet new, different people" I explain.

"If it's about that. Then I'll take you to New York and California. Not Tampa. Those are where no good old people live. They are all ugly and have no money. California or New York is where you'll meet your future." Mom points out.

"I thought my future is Miss Universe?" I smirk.

"Lale, I said no." Mom replies.

"Why can't I just go to FastLane mom?" I sigh.

"Because I said no! Now go figure out what we're doing with you hair when you get crowned" mom snaps. I groan and head to my room.

"I'm gonna take it that she said no" Sasha guesses.

"We are going to FastLane." I growl as I grab my suitcase and begin packing.

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