My Mania Moment Part 3!

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Dean's POV
"Hey! There you are!" I hear Seth say to Lale as I sneak away. Once I turn the corner I take a deep breath. I'm the happiest person alive right now. Since I finally got my girl. I feel bad that I had to leave her so quickly. I have the fucking first match. For the the fucking stupid ass Intercontinental Championship belt.

"Hey Dean!" Renee smiles at me.

"What?" I snap.

"Just saying hi. What's bothering you?" she asks.

"You. Your bothering me! Can't you see I'm trying to get ready for my match?" I yell at her.

"The match that already started?" she asks.

"What?!?! They started it?" I snap. I don't wait for her answer because I'm running to the gorilla. Just in time too. Because they just started my music. I go out and the fans are loving me. Like always.
Lale's POV
"I-I-I I have to go." I push Seth away. I run out of his locker room and straight to the divas locker room.

"Hey! Watch were your going!" the person I ran into while turning the corner.

"Oh. I'm sorry" I apologize. Then I look to see who it is. Great. Triple H. And to help the matters, he spilt his coffee all over himself.

"You better be missy." he snaps. I nod and he continues on his way.

"Lalelei! There you are!" Galina says. I turn towards her. "We've been looking all over for you. Come on. Let's go back to the locker room. The show has started." she ushers me to the private locker room, where dad insists on me watching the show at.
Seth runs down in the middle of the match. He insists to the ref to let him in this match. The ref allows him to. Seth pedigrees dad and pins him for the win. The ref rings the bell and raises the backstabber's hand after handing him the WWE World Heavyweight belt.

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