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When I made this story it was supposed to be quick and cliché. I didn't care about how I punctuated it.

So it's on EDIT MODE as I go through editing it and fixing the punctuations. Hopefully I finish by the end of this month.

While I do that, enjoy this book I created when I was an amateur at writing stories. I feel like I'm getting better as the years go by with me creating more and more stories. Try to look past my grammar mistakes while I edit at a now, more mature status in writing.

Thank You.

EDIT: Yes! I edited it and really, I'm so proud of my work. At first I wasn't proud of this book. But now, I'm proud. So if you already read it, please go read the epilogue. I changed it and I think you're gonna like it better than the original one.

I made the book less cliche, even though.... SPOILER ALERT:




...the girl still falls for her best friend.




So if you want to go and reread or scan over the chapters again, be my guest. I didn't change much, I just fixed my grammar and punctuations. But I DID change a few things. Nothing major, though, that affects the outcome of the story.

I would tell you what I changed now, but I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't read it yet, so go read it again if you want.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! All love to whoever supports this book.

Real And True [NO LONGER IN EDIT MODE]Where stories live. Discover now