She's Not Worth It Part 2 - Liam

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Prompt: Umm this is just a part two to She Isn't Worth It. BUT this is supposed to be called Am I Worth It? but I changed it so it wouldn't get confusing. This probably doesn't make sense but oh well.

Word Count: 1286


Its been a whole week since we've caught Hayden cheating on Liam.

Liam haven't talked to her yet, even though she always follows him (or should I say us?) during classes, trying to take him alone.

Of course that Liam hasn't mentioned the 'I know someone who is' accident since it happened. I just chose to believe that he was under the influence of adrenaline, and didn't meant any of what he said.

Does it hurt? Like hell.

Am I gonna complain? Hell no.

I mean, is not that bad, since I got to spend more time with Liam. I just don't know if that's a good thing, due to the fact that 1. he's a freaking werewolf and 2. my brother is his alpha.

I know, life couldn't be better, right?
"Hey, do you guys maybe want to do something tonight or-" Mason started, staring at me and Liam as I reached my locker to leave my books, thank god, there was no practice today, so we were free to go home and be the lazy teens we are.

"Liam!" I heard someone yelling and suddenly everyone turned around to stare at us, and the person who called Liam.

Hayden, of course.

Liam seemed to gasp, and I could see his face lost all the color, so he looked more like a vampire than a werewolf now.

I sigh, turning around to yell at Hayden. I opened my locker.

And, guess what? One thousand colors of paint exploded on my face, spilling on Mason and Liam as well.

Yup, life is just great.

Hayden started laughing and I clenched my jaw, closing my eyes as I looked inside of the locker. I gasped, the only picture I still have with my mother, the only one, that was took two years ago, when she got locked in an asylum for 'seeing kids with glowing eyes', was gone. The picture was ruined.

I look at the ground, where more paint is dropped on my clothes, my sweater, everything. I grab the locker door tightly, turning around to see the victory smirk on Hayden's face. "What's the problem, (y/n)? Can't handle a little bit of... color?"

"You went too far this time, you little-" I start, already feeling the fire on the tip of my fingers. I take a step closer to her, but a strong hand grabs my arm, making me retreat.

"No." Liam whispers, his lips almost touching my ear. "We both know that's exactly what she wants: A big scene."

I nod, looking at my mother's picture once again before feeling the tears starting to come down. "Aw, please tell me you aren't crying." Hayden laughed. "God, that's priceless."

"Hayden, shut up." Liam hissed, stepping in front of me. By now, a good part of our school was already there, waiting for his next move. "Just for everyone to know, Hayden and I are done. There's no more 'us', we're no longer dating." He says, looking around at the people.

A saw a couple of girls high five.

Hayden's face was priceless. She looked like she was going to have a heart attack, or punch someone, or maybe both. I was just hoping that someone wasn't me, because, let's face it, I don't really want to get into detention for setting a girl on fire. Literally.

I saw Hayden mumbling something in the most pissed off way possible, before Liam put his arm around my waist and guided me off the school building.
"But your car is gonna get all dirty." I say, shaking my head.

"Not in the way he wants." I hear Mason saying and I blush, shaking my head as Liam playfully punches his arm.

"I can walk, Liam, seriously." I say, rubbing the back of my neck. Actually, I can't, because is hot as hell and my house is really far from school.

Liam rolls his eyes. "No, you can't. Now quit complaining and please get in the car." He says, smiling down at me. I find myself blushing again as I slip into the passenger's seat, quickly adjusting the safety belt around me as Liam and Mason get in the car. "You okay?"

"You mean except for the rainbow that threw up on my a few minutes ago? I'm great." I say sarcastically, sighing as I cover my face with my hands.

"Well, if it is any help, you look adorable as a rainbow." Liam says, chuckling.

"What the fuck happened to you?!" Scott asked as I entered the house with Liam and Mason.

"I went swimming on a Claude Monet painting." I say, rolling my eyes as I look at him.

Stiles and Malia laugh.

"Well, then you should wear a swimsuit next time." Scott says, chuckling as he gets up and walks towards us. "What happened?" He asks again.

"Hayden." Liam says sighing before taking my backpack. "Let's go upstairs, you have to clean up."

I nod as he practically drags me upstairs.

"Li, you really don't need to stay, I'll be alright!" I yell from inside the bathroom, throwing my dirty clothes on the laundry basked and starting to dry my freshly washed hair.

I hear Liam laughing before I open the door, not bothering that I'm only wearing lingerie under the towel.

Liam gasps. "Do you want me to leave?" He asks, his cheeks assuming a very red color.

I shake my head. "No need, I'll just find something to put on, I'm already dry." I shrug, walking to the wardrobe and picking some clothes.

I quickly get dressed, trying to ignore the fact that Liam's eyes are obviously watching me. Why? No idea.

I smile as I finally finish, sitting close to him on my bed.

He hands me a small white framed paper, that I recognize as my picture. I smile, tears coming to my eyes again as I wrap my arms around him. "Oh, god, thank you, Liam! You have no idea of how much this means to me." I whisper, hugging him tightly.

He nods, his hair brushing my neck, sending shivers through my spine. Then, he pulls away, making me blush as his deep blue eyes meet mine. I smile shyly.

One of his hands trace a fine line through my cheek, before resting on my wet curls and guiding them behind my ear. He smiles, and I can't help but blush even more. "You're beautiful, do you know that?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow before chuckling, not exactly knowing what else to do.

"Don't do that." I say, facing my feet.

"Do what?"

"Don't be nice to me just because your ex-girlfriend bullied me."

"Who said that's what I was trying to do?" He asks, chuckling.

"If it's not, then what are you trying to do?"

"This." He says, and I definitely wasn't prepared for what happened next.

Suddenly, he starts leaning closer to me, his breath caressing my skin as he brushes off my face a lock of my hair. I feel my cheeks burning and my heart speeding up, and, even though I think is really loud, I know he would be able to hear it anyways.

A smirk plays on his lips when he brushes his lips on mine. Carefully, slowly, teasingly.

That's it, the heart attack is coming.
Before I can complain, his lips are against mine, moving in sync with mine as I try to remain calm.

But I can't, because I'm kissing Liam Dunbar.

Until my brother decides to interrupt. "Dunbar! Take your lips out of my sister, please!" He yells, making everyone downstairs laugh.

I blush. "That... That's what you wanted to do?" I ask.

"For a long time."

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