Human Contact - Jackson

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Request ~ Can I have an imagine where the pack (including allison/isaac) finds out that humans in a pack can help relieve stress of werewolves by using physical contact. like hugs and just general touching. you and stiles become the pack's stress relievers and you're always getting hugged and stuff and then one day jackson tells you to come to his house but all he does is hug/hold you for a long time and he says something like "can't do this with stilinski but if this works for everyone else maybe it'll work for me"

Word Count: 1298


"You don't need excuses, big guy. If you wanted a hug, all you had to do was ask." Stiles jeered with a smirk stretched across his face.

Derek rolled his eyes, the corners of his mouth turning up as he held back a grin. "I'm serious."

"Well," Lydia shrugged innocently, "Scott has been pretty stressed out lately. Wanna test Derek's theory?"

"What theory?" Isaac inquired as he strode into the loft.

"Apparently, human contact can relieve stress for werewolves." Lydia snickered.

Scott raised an eyebrow. "I guess I'll try it." He seemed to be a perfect candidate for the experiment, his mind always whirring with new ways to ensure the safety of the entirety of Beacon Hills - there was no way he wasn't stressed.

"Stiles, all you." You blurted, raising both hands up.

Scott barely had time to send you an offended glance before Stiles had his arms wrapped around Scott's torso with his head nuzzling into Scott's shoulder.

"Hi, buddy." Stiles chuckled.

Everyone watched in anticipation as Scott's eyebrows furrowed together in bewilderment.

"Scott?" Kira's voice gently broke the silence.

He shook his head in wonder. "I think this is actually working."

Stiles pulled back, his hands still placed along Scott's waist. "Wait, really?"
"How is it possibly working? Why wouldn't it have worked with other humans?" You wondered aloud.

Isaac shrugged. "Maybe it only works with humans in your pack."

It made sense when you thought about it; Scott always seemed calmer when he and Stiles merely touched thighs while perched next to one another on the couch, and even Liam, with his intermittent explosive disorder, seemed to be at ease after a simple handshake with you. You'd brushed it off as the pack being comfortable with one another, but perhaps Derek was right.

And so, from that point on, you and Stiles involuntarily relieved stress of the shape-shifters within the McCall pack.

Your first encounter was six minutes before a trigonometry test; Scott came barreling down the hallway and skidded to a stop at your locker.

"Scott?" You inspected his ruffled hair and shortness of breath.

"Yeah, I can't find Stiles, so -", he cut himself off and enveloped you in his arms.

"Hey!" You began to protest, yet your complaints slowly died out as you reminded yourself that this was harmless. Scott was struggling in school because of his demanding title of Alpha, so you told yourself you'd let it go this one time and help him out just as he helped everyone else.

Scott pulled away and huffed out a breath of relief. "Thanks."

"No problem, Scott," you presented a gentle smile. "And good luck on the test. Wanna walk to class together?"

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